
n. 棉花;棉线;棉布


But when he raised up on one elbow to look at her in the fresh light, the urge to discourage her went away. It was a weakness, but he could not bear to disappoint women, even if it was ultimately for their own good. At least he couldn’t disappoint them to their faces. Leaving them was his only out, and he knew he wasn’t ready to leave Lorie. Her beauty blew the sleep right out of his brain, and all she was doing was looking out a window, her long golden hair spilling over her shoulders. She wore an old threadbare cotton shift that should have been thrown away long ago. She didn’t own a decent dress, and had nothing to show her beauty to advantage, yet most of the men on the border would ride thirty miles just to sit in a saloon and look at her. She had the quality of not yet having really started her life—her face had a freshness unusual in a woman who had been sporting for a while. The thought struck him that the two of them might do well in San Francisco, if they could just get there. There were men of wealth there, and Lorie’s beauty would soon attract them.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
That, too, surprised her, for no man had ever commented, favorably or unfavorably, upon her clothes—not even Tinkersley, who had given her the money to buy the very dress Jake was holding, just a cheap cotton dress which was fraying at the collar. Lorena felt a touch of shame that a man would notice the fraying. She had often meant to make anew dress or two—that being the only way to get one, in Lonesome Dove—but she was awkward with a needle and was still getting by on the dresses she had bought in San Antonio.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I swear, Jake,” Augustus said, looking at the bay horse, “you’ve rode that horse right down to the bone.” “Give him a good feed, Deets,” Call said. “I judge it’s been a while since he’s had one.” Deets led the horses off toward the roofless barn. It was true that he made his pants out of old quilts, for reasons that no one could get him to explain. Colorful as they were, quilts weren’t the best material for riding through mesquite and chaparral. Thorns had snagged the pants in several places, and cotton ticking was sticking out. For headgear Deets wore an old cavalry cap he had found somewhere—it was in nearly as bad shape as Lippy’s bowler.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
That got Augustus’s attention. “Give him work doing what?” he asked. “Dish here’s a top hand. He don’t cotton to work that requires walking, do you, Dish?” “I don’t, for a fact,” Dish said, looking at the Captain but seeing Lorena. “I’ve done a mess of it though. What did you have in mind?” “Well, we’re going down to Mexico tonight,” Call said. “Going to see what we can raise. We might make up a herd ourselves, if you wanted to wait a day or two while we look it over.” “That mare bite’s drove you crazy,” Augustus said. “Make up a herd and do what with it?” “Drive it,” Call said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Is Cotton Belly broken?
>> Wing Chun Movie Script
Cotton Belly!
>> Wing Chun Movie Script
I can apply Wing Chun Impetuous to counter Chimp's Cotton Belly.
>> Wing Chun Movie Script
Good. My Cotton Belly normally breaks a bone or two but you're still standing.
>> Wing Chun Movie Script
603. The bottle is hidden in the bottom of a ton of cotton the cottage.
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
Gordy quickly, carefully wires the grenade to the propanetank. Then takes out the Zippo, pulls it apart andremoves the lighter fluid-soaked cotton. Holds the cotton just above the grenade and squeezes with hisfingers. And... (CONTINUED) 88.
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[general chatter] The thing is, if we were to use the cotton we would lose so much.
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He will not be able to see very well, Cotton.
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Effin' A, Cotton. Effin' A.
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They're not gonna get anything, Cotton.
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Usually you pay double for that kind of action, Cotton.
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Word, Cotton.
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It's a bold strategy, Cotton.
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They're definitely not on the court, Cotton.
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- It's just not believable, Cotton.
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I sure do like pumpkins, Cotton.
>> 躲避球:一个真正的卧底故事Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Movie Script
I don't know how they can play in diapers, Cotton. I never could.
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They must masturbate a lot, Cotton.
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- He doesn't have any balls, Cotton.
>> 躲避球:一个真正的卧底故事Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Movie Script
>> 躲避球:一个真正的卧底故事Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Movie Script
Yeah. Cotton, hey.
>> 躲避球:一个真正的卧底故事Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Movie Script