
adj. 橘色的;橙色的


It’s worse, goddammit! Both cars race towards the crashed Saab, which starts SHAKING as they approach – as they pass, THE CRASHED SAAB ROLLS VIOLENTLY OVER AND OVER between them until it is on its wheels, RACING BACKWARDS ahead of them, UNDAMAGED – Neil regains his line, looks over at Sator who holds up his LAST FINGER... the Protagonist looks ahead to the Saab, STRUCK BY AN IDEA... the Protagonist looks at Sator – Then TOSSES the orange case at him – The Saab brakes, CUTTING BETWEEN THE TWO CARS... THE ORANGE CASE GLANCES OFF ITS WINDSHIELD, INTO SATOR’S HANDS... A forwards-driving Mercedes pulls up alongside the backwards- driving Audi. Sator opens the rear door – he and the Audi driver climb BACKWARDS into the Mercedes – LEAVING KAT IN THE ACCELERATING BACKWARDS AUDI – the Mercedes DROPS FAR BEHIND the BMW, Neil WATCHES – NEIL (CONT'D) He’s getting away!>>完整场景
(in Estonian, subtitled) – Are they still moving? – The Police Operator checks his screen – NODS... EXT. TALLINN STREET – CONTINUOUS TYRES HOWLING, the convoy GRINDS forward – Blue Co-pilot tosses a DYE PACK onto the windshield of the SUV – it BLASTS across the glass, obscuring the view – Yellow Co-pilot does the same in the front – the Guards are now BLIND, CANNOT OPEN THEIR DOORS OR SHOOT OUT THROUGH THE BULLET-PROOF VEHICLES... The Protagonist CLIMBS ONTO THE LADDER, lying on top... Inside, the Red Co-pilot operates the ladder controls... The ladder SWINGS OUT AT NINETY DEGREES, hanging the Protagonist DIRECTLY OVER THE NUCLEAR TRUCK... he PULLS a frame from his pack, unfolds it – fixes it to the roof. The ladder SWINGS him away – the frame EXPLODES – he SWINGS back through the smoke to find an OPENING and climbs into – INT. NUCLEAR TRANSPORTATION TRUCK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist lands, gets his bearings, finds the SAFE. He reaches into his pack... EXT. TALLINN STREET – CONTINUOUS An Estonian POLICE CAR pulls up behind the fire truck – the POLICEMEN spot SPARKS from the dragging bumper of the SUV – the Policeman Passenger tries his radio... STATIC... INT. NUCLEAR TRANSPORTATION TRUCK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist affixes a CHARGE to the safe – he runs a wire, pushing back into the farthest corner – BLASTS the door open – INT./EXT. FIRE ENGINE – CONTINUOUS Watching the Police through his mirror, Red Passenger rolls down his window and props his ASSAULT RIFLE on the sill... INT. NUCLEAR TRANSPORTATION TRUCK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist reaches into the safe... PULLS OUT an ORANGE PLASTIC CASE... reaches up to climb through the roof... INT./EXT. FIRE TRUCK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist, orange case in hand, CLIMBS onto the ladder – Red Passenger SWINGS his rear-opening door out and SHOOTS OUT the engine block of the police car which DROPS BACK as – The fire-truck ladder SWINGS the Protagonist back onto the fire truck – he climbs down onto the side – the BMW pulls alongside – he JUMPS into the car, which SPEEDS away... INT./EXT. BMW, TALLINN STREET – CONTINUOUS Neil, driving, glances at the orange case – We got it!>>完整场景
B.B. springs up holding her tiny orange squirt gun and says; B.B.>>完整场景
What the Bride sees in front of her is, Bill in a tuxedo, holding a small, orange squirt gun pointed at her. Standing next to him is five-year-old little B.B., dressed up in a very pretty party dress, arm outstretched holding a orange squirt gun, aimed at The Bride.>>完整场景
FLASHBACK - SPAGHETTI WESTERN STYLE (That means our Heroine is remembering something, and we see it with an orange filter.) We're back inside the wedding chapel. The Bride is taking the beating of her life by four people in black suits. A black woman PUNCHES HER in the face... WE see it's the black housewife, five years earlier.>>完整场景
He grabs it as inside the room the door is kicked open. Moss swings down as, with a muted thump, orange muzzleflash strobes the room.>>完整场景
Moss fires. The shotgun blast roars in the confined space and for an instant turns the room orange. The chewed-up door wobbles back against the jamb and creakily bounces in again.>>完整场景
FORREST (V.O.) It was so clear, Jenny. It looks like there were two skies, one on top of the other. And then in the desert, when the sun comes up... EXT. DESERT - FLASHBACK - SUNRISE Forrest runs along a desert highway. The morning light casts an orange glow over the desert.>>完整场景
And then it was nice. It was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the bayou... EXT. BAYOU - FLASHBACK - SUNSET Forrest stands on his boat and looks at a deep orange and red sunset.>>完整场景
This is great, honey. The orange. Has it got a little vodka in it? Like that Finnish stuff, orange vodka -- (to Parrish) Put your lips around this one, Bill. It's out of this world.>>完整场景
From La Rosette, only the greatest pastry chef in America. (pointing) This is orange, from real Seville oranges. Lemon, on a mille-feuille crust, a little on the fanciful. And a while, nothing like a good old white cake, vanilla, with Angel food but some maroons shavings thrown in.>>完整场景
来自La Rosette,美国唯一最伟大的糕点厨师。(指着)这是橘子,来自真正的塞维利亚橘子。柠檬,加上千层薄饼,再加上一点奇异的味道。还有一段时间,没有什么比得上好的老白蛋糕,香草,还有天使的食物,只有一些栗子刨花。