
adj. 暂时的,临时的


Yeah, you know, a substitute is temporary by definition, but, I'm gonna try to see it all the way through here.>>完整场景
“It’s always temporary,” Elmira said. “Why don’t he ask himself?” “Zwey ain’t much of a talker,” Fowler said.>>完整场景
“What if he just wants to marry you temporary?” Fowler asked.>>完整场景
Yeah, I just need something temporary to break apart and fall off as he grows.>>完整场景
CARMINE POLITO: We put in some temporary fun -- some gaming tables, some play moneyfor people to have a good time. Forcharity -- the Boys and Girls Cluband some arts programs.>>完整场景
It's worse. You've had a temporary contract for the last 10 years.>>完整场景
In the meantime, I can make something temporary. There must be a machine shop in town.>>完整场景
OROSCO (V.O.) ... The government got scared. In 1998, to jump start peace talks, it gave a coalition of guerrilla groups temporary control over much of southern Colombia... The first communist stronghold on an American continent... 73 GORDY 73 4. Gordy draws a line around the guerrilla zone.>>完整场景
POWELL’S workspace is temporary - so there is nothing personal here.>>完整场景
Suddenly, they broke free. As stubbornly as they had refused to go into the light, they now rushed toward it. They ran in a panic, piling on top of each other, knocking down the temporary fence. By the time Daddy could get the doors closed, at least 1,000 turkeys had escaped and were running free on the farm, onto our neighbor's farm, into the road.>>完整场景
We moved the temporary fence to the doors of the second brooder house. When we threw open the doors at the end of the second house, it was 9:00 in the morning. The sun streamed in the open doors on turkeys that had never seen direct sunlight.>>完整场景
Daddy decided we would herd them to the range. It looked simple enough. We made a temporary chute of wire fencing that ran from the double-end doors of the brooder house 50 yards to the pen. We would get behind the turkeys in the brooder house, shout, wave old shirts and gunny sacks at them, and they would run out the doors, through the chute, into the pen.>>完整场景
The dry salt in either case will only act as a temporary barrier.>>完整场景
You know, the hog, they don't really have to worry about their comfort because they're temporary.>>完整场景
Gentlemen I know THE BAT-MAN has caused some problems for our operations. But his activities must be kept in proper perspective. He is an annoyance, nothing more. A temporary fly in a very rich ointment.>>完整场景
Tonya's rape caused a relapse a temporary break with reality.>>完整场景