
adj. 灿烂的,闪耀的;杰出的;有才气的


Kind of brilliant!>>完整场景
They're brilliant!>>完整场景
Their strategy simple and brilliant.>>完整场景
It's a brilliant course.>>完整场景
“I do admire that mare,” he said. “I want you to keep that mean plug of mine for your troubles. He’s not brilliant, but he’s sturdy.” He lay back and was quiet for a while, as the dusk deepened.>>完整场景
“He probably will,” Dish said. Jasper had a reputation for being reliable, if not brilliant.>>完整场景
And I'm brilliant at making children laugh.>>完整场景
Why would l? You turned out so... beautiful, brilliant, powerful, funny and generous.>>完整场景
118INTMAINTENANCE SHEDDAY ELLIE finally pushes the button for the fences. It stops flashing and lights up, a brilliant white.>>完整场景
He secures the winch and starts across the road, back up the embankment. He freezes, as he feels something behind him. He turns around slowly and sees: A dilophosaur. It stands only about four feet high, its spotted like an owl, and has a brilliant colored crest that flanks its head.>>完整场景
EXT. COUNTY FAIR - DAY [STORY] On a low platform, Edward pitches a brilliant new product tothe crowd.>>完整场景
He tells me you have a brilliant mind... and, like many brilliant people, you don't necessarily think the rules apply to you.>>完整场景
INT. A GEORGETOWN BAR - NIGHT KAFFEE sits at the bar. The place is crowded with YUPPIES and STUDENTS. KAFFEE's been drinking there a while now. Next to him is a YUPPIE LAWYER, regaling his FRIENDS with the story of his latest brilliant maneuver in the world of high stakes corporate law.>>完整场景
KAFFEE's in his late 20's, 15 months out of Harvard Law School, and a brilliant legal mind waiting for a courageous spirit to drive it. He is, at this point in his life, passionate about nothing... except maybe softball.>>完整场景
Right now, I just want to keep you brilliant and healthy. Come on.>>完整场景
- Dammit... That's brilliant. Where did you find it ? I want it too.>>完整场景
I'm brilliant.>>完整场景
Ignatius quote: “Lord teach me to be generous. / Teach me to serve you as you deserve; / to give and not to count the cost... / to toil and not to seek for rest / to labor and not to ask for reward, / save that of knowing that I do your will.” 112A INT. DAVID’S HOUSE/HALLWAY/OFFICE - 1996 - DAY 112A Lipsky sees the door to David’s office, ajar for the first time. He pushes his way in and discovers a darkened room. He looks around quietly, barely breathing, sees the partially illuminated keyboard and computer. He goes to the closed drapes, pushes them aside and squints as he takes in the brilliant snowy field.>>完整场景
Because you want him to be brilliant.>>完整场景
All your protesting... “I’m just a regular guy.” You don’t crack open a thousand-page book ‘cause you heardthe author’s a regular guy. You read it because the author is brilliant.>>完整场景
No. I didn’t, okay? Sorry! I f***ed up. I’m a f***-up. Not everyone can be as brilliant as you.>>完整场景
F***ing brilliant!>>完整场景
365. The driller filled the grill with brilliant film.>>完整场景
A brilliant win because he came back from sixteenth place.>>完整场景
You were brilliant.>>完整场景