
adj. 绝对的;完全的;专制的


- [Newscaster] Explosions at Pearl Harbor that has forged the will for complete and absolute victory over the forces of evil.>>完整场景
You absolute mother-f***in' son of a b*tch! You shot one of my planes!>>完整场景
It's a beautiful f***ing baby and I have absolute confidence in this IPO.>>完整场景
He kept his eyes focused on the tops of the underbrush. It was perfectly windless in the creek bottom, and if the underbrush moved it would be because someone moved it. His big pistol was cocked. He didn’t move, and time stretched out. Minutes passed. Augustus carefully kept the sweat wiped out of his eyes, concentrating on keeping his focus. The silence seemed to ring, it was so absolute. There were no flies buzzing yet, no birds flying, nothing. He would have bet the Indian was not twenty yards away from him, and yet he had no inkling of precisely where he was.>>完整场景
“If it’s Deets my watch is already set,” Augustus said. “Anyway, I don’t suppose he’s changed clothes, and if I have to see his old black knees sticking out of them old quilts he wears for pants it’s apt to spoil my digestion.” “Deets is coming all right,” Call said. “The fact is, he ain’t by himself.” “Well, the man’s always aimed to marry,” Augustus said. “I imagine he just finally met up with that dark-complexioned lady I was referring to.” “He ain’t met no lady,” Call said with a touch of exasperation. “Who he’s met is an old friend of ours. If you don’t come here and look I’ll have to drag you.” Augustus was about through with the biscuits anyway. He had to use a forefinger to capture the absolute last drop of honey, which was just as sweet licked off a finger as it was when eaten on good sourdough biscuits.>>完整场景
This is absolute BS. Bank of America surveyed 1000 people with $3 million in investable assets and found that 76% either inherited substantial money, came from an affluent background (a BIG boost in education and networking opportunities) or both. Being born into money is the ticket for the large majority of millionaires.>>完整场景
98INTCONTROL ROOMDAY The mood in the room is hopeless. MALCOLM, his wounds bandaged, but in real pain, hangs around with ELLIE and MULDOON, hoping for some development while RAY ARNOLD is still at the computer terminal and looking a mess, he doggedly sorts through the computer system's lines of code. One. By one. By one. They BLIP by, reflected in his glasses. He turns and stares up at HAMMOND with a look of absolute incredulity on his face.>>完整场景
Finally, we notice Gennaro, who was sort of faded into the background while the others reacted. He's just staring, a look of absolute rapture on his face.>>完整场景
JORDAN (V.O.) It was an absolute miracle I wasn’t killed, and an even biggermiracle I hadn’t killed anyone.>>完整场景
197 SCENES 197 - 199 OMITTED 197 200 EXT. JORDAN’S ESTATE - NIGHT (LATE SUMMER ‘95) 200 Jordan exits the house with the Police Officers. The Lamborghini is TOTALLED, an absolute wreck.>>完整场景
JORDAN (V.O.) They were absolute morons, myfriends, but like I always said- 39 INT. STRATTON OAKMONT I - AUTO BODY SHOP - BULLPEN - DAY (OCT ‘88) 39 Jordan emerges from his office into the garage area(the bullpen), looking on as Donnie, Chester, Robbie, SeaOtter and four other BROKERS (now including RUGRAT andToby) make sales calls from the cheap desks.>>完整场景
Baldwin or I? I myself wish to talk with Hitler, and will do so here or in Germany." I doubt England is ready to return to absolute monarchy.>>完整场景
(with absolute conviction) I’m going to spend the rest of my lifelooking for her. That or die alone.>>完整场景
That's an absolute condition of my theory.>>完整场景
Goin’ nuts. It would cost me like a week of absolute trauma. But yeah, I would do it in a heartbeat.>>完整场景
That, sir, is a lie. A complete, absolute... Good Lord.>>完整场景
I want absolute silence.>>完整场景
Don't worry, Amber's an absolute genius when it comes to sorting out the impossible.>>完整场景
After you achieve absolute confidence, instinct will make you take the move... with no hesitance.>>完整场景
That's your privilege, Bill. But given our needs, given the absolute necessity for growth, given the fu- ture, the truth is... joining John Bontecou is every bit as certain as - Death and Taxes.>>完整场景
“people stumbling around in the debris of dreams they thought they were entitled to” 😳😮🤩🔥🙌 this is absolute poetry!>>完整场景