
n. 父亲,爸爸;神父;祖先;前辈


Well, here's Dr. thaler, father of behavioral economics, and Selena Gomez to explain!>>完整场景
Bennie lost his father to a violent crime when he was young just like mark, he didn't talk about it.>>完整场景
- You're just like my father.>>完整场景
Don't hate your father.>>完整场景
l loved my father. l swore l would never be a man like him, but l loved him and he was in danger.>>完整场景
''There will be no forgiveness!'' Her father stabbed her through the heart.>>完整场景
''Oh father, my father!'' ''Give me some time to pray to the Lord.'' The Baroness of Carini had betrayed her husband... and fallen in love with her cousin.>>完整场景
The house where my father was born.>>完整场景
- Tell your father l'll be back for dinner.>>完整场景
Your father my brother, we were opposites.>>完整场景
- l'm scared about my father.>>完整场景
- What about my father?>>完整场景
l learned many things from my father.>>完整场景
Michael, your father was a reasonable man. Learn from him.>>完整场景
- His father was a great lawyer.>>完整场景
My father hated foundations.>>完整场景
- Temper like his father... Vincent... Mr Joe Zasa now owns what used to be the Corleone business in New York.>>完整场景
- Who's your father?>>完整场景
Anyway, l remain your loving father.>>完整场景
Let's not spoil this. Go your own way, but when you are ready, come to me the way a son should. I have hopes for you... CLOSE VIEW ON MICHAEL looking at his father with a mixture of great love, and also fear, and confusion.>>完整场景
People are generally tense over the situation. Michael follows his father into the study.>>完整场景
(she takes out a small needle, and begins to prepare it) Your father has to have his insulin shot. Why don't you go to your room and put your things away, Anthony.>>完整场景
No. I never heard of it. I never heard of nothing like that. I was in the olive oil business with his father a long time ago. That's all.>>完整场景
Genco has become the accountant-business manager, based on the experience working with his father. But it is clear, that Vito is the leader, and undisputed 'President' of the new enterprise.>>完整场景
There was this kid that I grew up with; he was a couple years younger than me, and sort of looked up to me, you know. We did our first work together, worked our way out of the street. Things were good and we made the most of it. During prohibition, we ran molasses up to Canada and made a fortune; your father too. I guess as much as anyone, I loved him and trusted him.>>完整场景