
n. 父亲,爸爸;神父;祖先;前辈


My father was Bootstrap Bill Turner.>>完整场景
It was a gift from my father.>>完整场景
Was your father William Turner?>>完整场景
You! Maid! Your father, what was his name?>>完整场景
You can accept your father was a pirate and a good man, or you can't.>>完整场景
My father was not a pirate!>>完整场景
You knew my father.>>完整场景
My father, Bill Turner?>>完整场景
After she died, I came here, looking for my father.>>完整场景
No doubt named for your father.>>完整场景
- Father!>>完整场景
Does a father need an occasion to dote upon his daughter?>>完整场景
- Yes father.>>完整场景
For my father.>>完整场景
This is what my father wanted to find.>>完整场景
The memory of my father will not be befouled... by the tongue of a pirate.>>完整场景
This was given to me by my father.>>完整场景
Taken the life of my father and his father before.>>完整场景
Who my father was.>>完整场景
I am here for my father, nothing more.>>完整场景
I found the way to save my father.>>完整场景
- If you have to save your father, you'll have to save me.>>完整场景
It was left to me by my father.>>完整场景
My father is trapped by such a curse.>>完整场景
From a father I never knew.>>完整场景