
n. 到达;到达者;到来


...they’ve been preparing for the baby’s arrival for months.
>> A Quiet Place 寂静之地 Movie Script 2018
T. S. Eliot: The journey not the arrival matters.
>> 生活是一段旅程,而不是目的地
A joyous arrival to a sad departure... The void in our world is once again felt.
>> 新少林寺 Shaolin (2011)Movie Script
The dawn broke sunny. Bad as he felt, Augustus still enjoyed seeing the sun. It helped clear his head and stirred him to thoughts of escape. He was sick of the little cold cave under the riverbank. He had thought to wait there for Call, but the more he considered, the more he felt it to be a bad plan. Call’s arrival was days away, and dependent on Pea getting through. If Pea didn’t get through—and the chances were good that he wouldn’t—then Call might not even start to look for him for another week.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Why, Sheriff Johnson,” Augustus said. “I guess, as they say, it’s a small world.” “Just to you, Gus, you’ve met everybody in it now, I’m sure,” Clara said. She glanced at July, who so far hadn’t spoken. He was watching her and it struck her that it might be because she was still holding Gus’s arm. It made Clara want to laugh again. In minutes, the arrival of Gus McCrae had mixed up everyone, just as it usually had in the past. It had always been a peculiarity of her friendship with Augustus. Nobody had ever been able to figure out whether she was in love with him or not. Her parents had puzzled over the question for years—it had replaced Bible arguments as their staple of conversation.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Newt and the Rainey boys had begun to talk of whores. Surely the Captain would let them go to town with the rest of the crew when they hit Ogallala. The puzzling thing was how much a whore might cost. The talk around the wagon was never very specific on that score. The Rainey boys were constantly tallying up their wages and trying to calculate whether they would be sufficient. What made it complicated was that they had played cards for credit the whole way north. The older hands had done the same, and the debts were complicated. As the arrival in Ogallala began to dominate their thoughts almost entirely, the question of cash was constantly discussed, and many debts discounted on the promise of actual money.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I swear, Gus, we near give you up,” Pea Eye said. “Did you catch the bandit?” “No, but I hope I do someday,” Augustus said. “I met plenty of his friends, but he slipped by me.” “Did you get to town or what?” Dish asked. “You didn’t have no tent when you rode off.” “Mr. Wilbarger loaned me that tent,” Augustus said. “Lorie’s feeling shy and she needs a little privacy.” “We best get the wagon across,” Call said. “We can listen to Gus’s story later. You boys that ain’t dressed go back and help.” The sun came out, and that plus Gus’s arrival put the hands in a high mood. Even Jasper, normally so worried about rivers, forgot his fear and swam right back across the Canadian to help get the wagon. They all treated swimming the river like a frolic, though they had been anxious about it for a week. Before long they had the wagon across. They had put both pigs in it but the blue shoat jumped out and swam across.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Expect contract for sale of station to be drawn by time of my arrival. Stop.
>> 澳大利亚乱世情 Australia Movie Script
Foul Malebolgia spent five years preparing the Earth for your arrival, mister.
>> 再生侠 Spawn Movie Script
The arrival of the Castle Lord.
>> Wing Chun Movie Script
307. The rival's arrival gives him a forgivable chance.
>> 800句帮助你记相似单词的句子
I think we are watching the arrival of Ayrton Senna, a truly outstanding talent.
>> Senna Movie Script
OVEUR (v.o.) Good evening, this is Captain Oveur speaking. We'll be cruising at thirty-six, thousand feet, and arrival time in Chicago is ten-forty-five Central Time. The temperature there is sixty-two degrees, with a twenty percent chance of precipitation. And now here's Victor with People in the news.
>> 飞机 Airplane! Movie Script
Flight 209 to Chicago - Depart Gate 89 - 7:25 p.m. Arrival monitor is goldfish swimming.
>> 飞机 Airplane! Movie Script
The image on DAMISI’S screen is from the micro-RPA bird we saw filming the arrival of MUHAMMAD earlier at the same house. DAMISI controls the filming using a mobile joystick device.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
This ‘bird’ is what has been filming the arrival of the SUV.
>> Eye In The Sky Movie Script
In anticipation of your arrival, ms. Levias, your other vice principal, and i have appointed an executive committee to oversee certain areas where we have noted a need for improvement- you may sit down, mr. O'malley.
>> 铁腕校长Lean on Me Movie Script
An over-enthusiastic Italian TV presenter girl stands by reporting to the TV crew on Johnny’s arrival.
>> 在某处Somewhere Movie Script
Reese quivers with a curious spasm, similar to the tremors of his arrival, and blinks at the boy.
>> 终结者The Terminator Movie Script
Her arrival draws even more attention than the reappearance of the King; everyone watches transfixed as she approaches.
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
D'ARTAGNAN Athos... But whatever it is that d'Artagnan wants to say is interrupted by the sound of someone climbing the stairs. As Athos' face brightened with the arrival of d'Artagnan, now it glows as he jumps up to welcome his son.
>> 铁面人 The Man in the Iron Mask Movie Script
With the arrival of the first rain the prior week, some of the larger herds have already left the area.
>> 狂野非洲 African Safari Movie Script
Am I not obligated to? Drew leans over to Felicia, speaks quietly and she leaves the room. DREW (cont'd) How did this all come about? Crisis -- Bill Parrish, crisis -- his com- pany, crisis for us. It came about with the arrival on the scene of -- Mr. Joe Black. Mr. Joe who? Joe Black. He attends our Board meet- int, he sleeps at Bill's house, re- sides in his office. Never leaves his side. And, in my opinion, is always in his ear. Telling him what to do and Bill is listening. Who is Joe Black? What is his relationship to Bill Parrish? And most important, what is behind his influence on our Chairman?
>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script