
n. 火焰;热情;光辉


- Burn it all down! - Yes, sir! Flame! Release! Run! You failed me.>>完整场景
Behind them, the fire crew battle the blazing plane. Neil is already looking up at the Protagonist who POINTS right – The Protagonist DUCKS THROUGH the breach, into the chaos... Neil moves BACKWARDS towards the outside... EXT. BREACH – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist RUNS THROUGH THE SMOKE AND FLAME, DODGING DEBRIS FALLING FROM THE PLANE... heading towards the EMERGENCY SERVICES... The Protagonist CREEPS along the side of an AMBULANCE... the AMBULANCE DRIVER spots him in the mirror – the Protagonist DARTS in, HITTING the driver in the face – INT. VAULT CORRIDOR – CONTINUOUS Neil (moving FORWARDS) ducks back behind the corner as Earlier Protagonist (business suit) and Earlier Neil (business suit) walk backwards away from the Rotas vault.>>完整场景
That building wasn't cleared. You hear that? That's the sound of people DYING! Screams emanate from the building. Its upper floors are completely consumed in flame.>>完整场景
That was Amber, Amber Flame. Give her a big hand, guys. Good job, Amber.>>完整场景
Paul runs through the wheat field as A WALL OF FLAME consumesit. The wind whips the smoke into a black cloud behind him.>>完整场景
We CRANE over the dunes to REVEAL a great city of refineriesand pumping oil derricks belching flame, a mirage seeminglysummoned forth by Getty's will alone.>>完整场景