
n. 车库;汽车修理厂;飞机库


LITTLE AL (CONT'D) You know, Bruce, BIG AL worked HARD to put me through med school. He dreamed of giving me more than that garage. But he NEVER said a WORD after the war.>>完整场景
BRUCE tries to push past LITTLE AL and out of the garage. But LITTLE AL grabs his wrist.>>完整场景
CHI-CHI That's what I thought. WIMP! Selina watches BRUCE march back into— INT. AL'S GARAGE - MOMENTS LATER BRUCE KICKS open the door— FLINGS groceries everywhere— PUNCHES the plaster wall— BRUCE (V.O.) September 17. Father, it takes everything I have just to contain this fury. I can feel it in my chest. It wants to ESCAPE. I'm AFRAID of what I might do.>>完整场景
Hey there garage boy! Want to look under my hood, check my fluid levels.>>完整场景
The two head up a wooden staircase over the garage and enter— INT. BRUCE WAYNE'S APARTMENT - MORNING It's the claustrophobic room of an obsessive compulsive.>>完整场景
LITTLE AL continues his search in the— EXT. JUNK YARD BEHIND AL'S GARAGE - MORNING It's a dreary, dirty, isolated place.>>完整场景
INT. AL'S GARAGE - MORNING LITTLE AL hits the lights revealing a meticulously clean auto repair shop>>完整场景
You guys wanna be operating out of a garage. that's fine with me.>>完整场景
All of us sweating away in Steve's parents' garage.>>完整场景
Fired up the Lexus, closed the garage door.>>完整场景
You know, I have some clutter in my garage.>>完整场景
INT. SUBURBAN HOUSE -- NIGHT The bland fellow leads Chace out of the garage into a sparsely- decorated home. Chace is led to a chair in the dining room.>>完整场景
INT. QUESTURA POLICIA DI STATO (POLICE HEADQUARTERS) -- NIGHT Del Rovere leads Gail and Chace from a police sedan in theparking garage into the front lobby of a castle that hasbeen transformed into a police Questura.>>完整场景

Your father asked me to give it to you if you showed up here. Amanda, where did you get that wheelchair? Oh, uh... These things are not toys. No, I know, Susan, it's just he's so heavy. -You just about done here? -Uh-huh. This is where you live? Oh, this is it. "Be it ever so humble..." We had an apartment down the road, but your daddy loved to monkey around with those guitars. This place suited him 'cause of the garage. It's my son's place. Really, it was too big for just him and Tommy by themselves. He was still making guitars? Oh, making 'em, repairing old ones, sure. Yeah, he worked on 'em most days. Don't think he ever finished too many, but he loved working on 'em. All right, come on, love bug. You gotta get up, we're goin' in. (SIGHS) Let's see. Uh, yeah. And that's my baby boy. Jack, this is Ellie. Mark's daughter. Oh, he's a charmer. No, don't worry, don't worry about a thing, I'll put your son to bed. He works hard, so we cut him a little slack when he acts like a poo-poo head. I'll be right back. There you are. I can't believe this. Oh, yeah, well. That was your daddy's. (SIGHS) No, but he had this piece of junk when we were kids. We used to take the worst road trips in this beast. And he never got it to work right.Well, Jack got it running for me to drive but I'm too scared it'll break down. Who did he make the guitars for? Oh, different folks, here and there. He'd sell a few every year, if he'd finish 'em, anyway. Did he ever make anything else, like any violins or... Violins? No, I don't think so. Ellie, listen, I... I was wondering if you could help me with the announcement of your daddy's death. Uh, I wasn't really planning on staying. I might just even get on the first plane in the morning. But you've only been here two minutes. And I could really use your help, please. At least stay until after the funeral. I know, I, I'm sorry... Isn't this the least you could do? Okay. Sure, I'll stay until he's in the ground. All right. You know, I'd really like to just, um, maybe like go for a drive. See some of the town. Well, I don't know if there's that much to see, but okay. But the thing is, Jack needs his truck tonight. You can try your luck with that thing. Is there any other way of getting into town? (SCOFFS) (COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING ON RADIO) Don't do that again, Billy. But I'm hungry. You said you wasn't hungry. Just... Don't you start. Don't. Billy, don't do that. Stop it. Billy, put... You... Better put that back on. You got kids of your own? No. Then why don't you mind your own business, we ain't some TV show for you to gawk at. G.D., woman! (COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING IN BAR) (COUNTRY MUSIC PLAYING ON SPEAKERS) (INDISTINCT CONVERSATIONS)