
adj. 中间的,中等的;半生熟的


Dolly, bring me a big, juicy hamburger, medium rare.>>完整场景
When someone visits your website, Ahoy creates a visit with lots of useful information.
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Maybe 1 000 medium weights.>>完整场景
564. In the cinema the medicine immediately remedied the medium.>>完整场景
I wasn't comfortable in the medium, you know?>>完整场景
From, uh, from letter ''G.'' And just kind of medium, not too bright.>>完整场景
MEDIUM ON TERMINATOR sitting on the edge of the bed.>>完整场景
176 INT. VUKOVICH'S OFFICE 176 MEDIUM ON SARAH, her teeth are chattering with fear as SHOTS echo nearby. There is the RHYTHMIC THUNDER of the shotgun, rattling AUTOMATIC FIRE, SCREAMING, and the sound of RUNNING FEET. Getting closer.>>完整场景
He'll find her. That's what he does. All he does... MEDIUM ON VUKOVICH, gesturing to Silberman, who is near the machine, to kill it.>>完整场景
RESUME MEDIUM, as Terminator uses a rag to wipe away the blood. With small screwdrivers he begins to patiently dis- assemble the damaged mechanism around the 12-guage hit.>>完整场景
MEDIUM ON TERMINATOR as he sits at a ratty folding table under the light.>>完整场景
MEDIUM ON SARAH AND REESE, he raises his hands, through the side window, in plain sight. A phalanx of cops, guns drawn, approaches the car warily.>>完整场景
MEDIUM ON REESE as he whips the riot-gun to a hip-firing posi- tion, his overcoat falling back with a snap. HE FIRES.>>完整场景
MEDIUM ON SARAH, as the man stops in front of her in close F.G.>>完整场景
75 INT. BEDROOM 75 MEDIUM ON MATT, as rustling curtains play patterns of street- light over his sleeping face.>>完整场景
He's not a medium!>>完整场景
Put me in the medium.>>完整场景
You entering as a medium or a tall?>>完整场景
Medium height class.>>完整场景
I'll have, uh, four black coffees, medium.>>完整场景
Leviticus 20:
27. A woman who is a medium or sorcerer shall be put to death by stoning.>>完整场景
The Bible quotes on your desk... A woman who is a medium or a sorcerer; shall be put to death, by stoning.>>完整场景
The Bride's eye, A HUGE TEAR FALLS OUT...We move out of the eyeball, into a MEDIUM CU of The Bride, tears falling down her face...She can't believe what she's looking at...that's her daughter...She's alive... Her REMEMBERING THEME PLAYS...>>完整场景
MEDIUM CU of Yuki wearing a YUKI'S POV: whiteuniform, and taking The Bride entering her money. Her eyes watch yellow pickup truck something off screen. parked in front of Vernita's house.>>完整场景
Join us for the next hour as medium Craig Leeham shows us firsthand, the rewards awaiting those who live a Christian life.>>完整场景