
n. 篮子;(篮球比赛的)得分;一篮之量;篮筐;vt. 装入篮


Evelyn opens her basket, and finds a lei of Hawaiian flowers stuffed in the top. Betty scoots over and puts the flowers around Evelyn's neck.>>完整场景
EXT. PEARL HARBOR - DAY Another Japanese tourist hikes through the hills above Pearl Harbor. He takes an excellent camera from his picnic basket, and shoots pictures.>>完整场景
He turns, and Abbandando has followed him out of the shop, holding a basket of some groceries.>>完整场景
CALO moves to the car, and puts a lunch basket in the rear seat.>>完整场景
Um, I put some of my poems in the basket.>>完整场景
Drew pokes at the basket for a moment, right over Gao's head. Then, he JAMS the stick in, and holds it there.>>完整场景
DREW (CONT'D) There's something on the bottom of your basket.>>完整场景
They turn to go back, and there is Gao, balancing a huge basket of night soil over his head, peasant-style. He is on the same ridge that they are going to walk on.>>完整场景
Clara nodded and went back to packing the picnic basket. “If that was all you accomplished you could have done it in Ogallala and been a friend to me,” she said. “I lost three boys, Gus. I needed a friend.” “You ought to wrote me that, then,” he said. “I didn’t know.” Clara’s mouth tightened. “I hope I meet a man sometime in my life who can figure such things out,” she said. “I wrote you but I tore up the letters. I figured if you didn’t come of your own accord you wouldn’t be no good to me anyway.” “Well, you was married,” he said, not knowing why he bothered to argue.>>完整场景
“Come help me shuck this corn,” Clara said. “The roasting ears are about gone. I get so hungry for them during the winter, I could eat a dozen.”She went on toward the house, carrying her heavy garden basket. When she didn’t hear his footsteps, she looked back at him. July wiped his face and followed her to the house.THE NEXT MORNING, when he managed to get up, July came into the kitchen to find Cholo sharpening a thin-bladed knife. The baby lay on the table, kicking his bare feet, and Clara, wearing a man’s hat, was giving the two girls instructions.>>完整场景
When he stood up, he saw Clara. She had been on her way back from the garden with a basket of vegetables. It was hot, and she had rolled the sleeves up on her dress. Her arms were thin and yet strong, as if they were all bone.>>完整场景
As they rode out of town the widow Cole was hanging out her washing. Hot as the sun was, it seemed to Augustus it would be dry before she got it on the line. She kept a few goats, one of which was nibbling on the rope handle of her laundry basket. She was an imposing woman, and he felt a pang of regret that he and she had not got on better, but the truth was they fell straight into argument even if they only happened to meet in the street. Probably her husband, Joe Cole, had bored her for twenty years, leaving her with a taste for argument. He himself enjoyed argument, but not with a woman who had been bored all her life. It could lead to a strenuous existence.As they passed out of town, Lippy suddenly turned sentimental. Under the blazing sun the town looked white—the only things active in it were the widow and her goats. There were only about ten buildings, hardly enough to make a town, but Lippy got sentimental anyway. He remembered when there had been another saloon, one that kept five Mexican whores.>>完整场景
WORKMEN in the basket of a Condor crane are still assembling skeletons.>>完整场景
He picks up the record and is about to smash it against the edge of his desk, then realizes the mess that would make and tosses it into a waste paper basket. Then changes his mind.>>完整场景
Edith goes to hand her the PIMMS CUP and basket of teas.>>完整场景
85 Edith and Richie enter to find BRENDA, FBI, MATRONLY, OLDER; EDITH carries a basket of exotic teas; 85 49.>>完整场景
She turns away. With all the strength she can gather, shehangs up that dress and digs another one out of the basket.>>完整场景
Pulling a dress out of the basket, Sandra looks up to see A MAN’S SILHOUETTE on the sheet in front of her. She freezes, watching theshadow ripple across the white fabric, blowing so softly inthe breeze. She knows it can’t be him. He’s dead.>>完整场景
EDWARD (cont’d) He was filling her basket. He was making deliveries around back.>>完整场景
And JENNY's now dropped the flaming cardboard box into the wastebasket where the fire grows larger. She casually kicks the basket over with her foot.>>完整场景
Whole world is going to Hell in a hand basket.>>完整场景
57. The man in mask asked me for a task; I let him put the basket on the desk in the dusk.57. 戴面具的人向我要任务,我让他在黄昏时把篮子放到桌子上。>>完整场景
INT. RADAR ROOM Assistant Radar Operator unloads clothes from radar screen/ wash machine door and puts them into basket.>>完整场景
STEVE watches her pick up the basket.>>完整场景
208 EXT. STREET - EASTLEIGH - AFTERNOON 208 ALIA puts her basket on the ground. She unfolds her tablecloth and places it on the table, sweeping her hand neatly across it. She puts her bread basket on the table.>>完整场景