
adj. 杀害的;迷人的;使人筋疲力尽的


The Jungar army was approaching Turkestan laying waste to our land, killing the men, enslaving the women.>>完整场景
I'm curious. After killing me, what are you planning on doing next?>>完整场景
That's why there's no sense to be killing you.>>完整场景
There would be no sense to be killing you.>>完整场景
Henry wakes up, he is killing Jack.>>完整场景
If you're so keen on killing her, why don't you just let her jump ?>>完整场景
- You're killing her.>>完整场景
Go to the base hardware store and get some of those canister spray things they use for killing bugs.>>完整场景
Errant bombs and shrapnel hit beside them, killing some; other lose strength and slide beneath the surface.>>完整场景
-- INSIDE THE SHIPS, sleeping sailors are thrown from their bunks; those already awakened run for their battle stations, and try to make it up to the deck; but there's no escape there, as... -- Zero fighter planes strafe the ships, raking the decks and killing sailors with MACHINE GUN FIRE.>>完整场景
They've been killing each other for centuries here.>>完整场景
Then what? And what if the Don, a great man, couldn't bring himself to do what he had to do, avenge his son's death by killing his daughter's husband? What if that, finally, was too much for him, and he made Michael his successor, knowing that Michael would take that load off his shoulders, would take that guilt?>>完整场景
You are like me, we refuse to be fools, to be puppets dancing on a string pulled by other men. I hoped the time for guns and killing and massacres was over. That was my misfortune. That was your misfortune. I was hunted on the streets of Corleone when I was twelve years old because of who my father was. I had no choice.>>完整场景
For the last year, they have been killing one another. So now, what?>>完整场景
...since McCluskey's killing, the police have cracked down on most of our operations...on the other families too. There's been a lot of bad blood.>>完整场景
For killing a man.>>完整场景
My feet are killing me but l don't want to miss the show.>>完整场景
They're killing him.>>完整场景
- You're a killing machine, Glen.>>完整场景
And to that end, we must avoid killing it at all cost.>>完整场景
After a successful stint running the secretive special operations killing machine in Iraq, Glen was appointed leader of US and coalition forces in Afghanistan.>>完整场景
I want to put an end to this Before killing someone ...I wish I can understand your options ...The robber fugitive Is perhaps interesting But a teacher from the University of "Wisconsin"?>>完整场景
Of course not, I just enjoy after them Well, gentlemen at your disposal Do not shoot him I think we are misled I want to take off these cuffs We have to wait until we reach open water It suits you perfectly, sir It seems you have a wonderful Do you think it is a little broad? - No, he is of the utmost magnificence - Fourteen red, I bet it Wager, sir Forty-two red I have returned - Call them inside - I could come back tomorrow? - No, wait - ! We have tried in various ways, sir But escaped us - This is what I expected to hear - To escape the young man who robbed me of $ 2.3 billion I learn that I had worked so hard In order to stop dirty operations, which I was the No more chasing the treacherous ...No more killing But now I rely on people Do these things rather than me ! Fix things, but they did not Do you have shown good? - For - As usual - As usual, why? - Wonderful as usual Yes, I have shown good Then so be open lock Where Talmty do this?>>完整场景
Those shoes must be killing you.>>完整场景
This will mean more killing.>>完整场景