
n. 勇气;胆量


l've never had the courage. . .>>完整场景
Mr. Cotton, do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?>>完整场景
Muster your courage, men.>>完整场景
By the sweat of our brows, and the strength of our backs and the courage of our hearts.>>完整场景
- Master your courage.>>完整场景
Steady ! Steady men ! Find your courage.>>完整场景
EXT. DECK OF OKLAHOMA - DAY As the listing grows more severe, sailors start jumping from the deck into the water. Still the Marines on deck are firing back at the planes; some Marines are even using handguns. But courage does not save them... THE OKLAHOMA ROLLS OVER The men still on its deck try to run, but it's not just the fires and the water they can't escape; the gun turrets' 1400 pound shells break loose with the capsizing of the ship and tumble through everything like massive wrecking balls.>>完整场景
The courage to deal with various problems in life, telling a person how to define the meaning of life.>>完整场景
People are live for hope, because there is a hope, people have the courage to live.>>完整场景
lt's because when l drink, it gives me the courage to tell you the truth.>>完整场景
''While fighting with the troops, four of our comrades were killed.'' l don't know where you'll get the courage to go home tonight.>>完整场景
And we must instill courage in our youth.>>完整场景
The spirit of Shaolin... Taught me to persevere and show courage.>>完整场景
Trying to get your courage up?>>完整场景
[Flynn] Courage, my boy! Courage!>>完整场景
And thanks to you, for your skill and courage you.>>完整场景
184. Of course the man's courage encouraged the discouraged tourists in the courtyard.>>完整场景
CLOSEUP - STRIKER - NIGHT agonizing over war recollections. SUPERIMPOSE ROARING fighter planes. SUPER FADES OUT. Striker musters his courage and walks toward airplane.>>完整场景
Whatever they were in life, here, at the end, each man stood with courage and honor.>>完整场景
JAMA looks nervously at DAMISI. Then summons his courage.>>完整场景
Im living the life you didn't have the courage for.>>完整场景
'Sarah"...this is the message... 'Sarah, thank you. For your courage through the dark years.>>完整场景
Who could refrain that had a heart to love and in that heart courage to make love known?>>完整场景
But screw your courage to the sticking place and we'll not fail.>>完整场景
They never ran out of courage.>>完整场景