
n. 线索;(故事等的)情节


The moon revealed a clue..>>完整场景
That's my opinion! -Aw, we bought these f***ing things, and we have no clue how to sell them I know, we have to get Ben to do it!>>完整场景
In the end Lewis Rainier's mortgage backed security mutated into a monstrosity that collapsed the whole world economy and none of the experts, or leaders, or talking heads had a clue it was coming.>>完整场景
“It’s a clue to how fast he’s failing,” Augustus pointed out. “An old man finally dribbles, same as a fresh calf. I best just keep a record, so we’ll know when to start looking for a new cook.” For once, though, the pigs took more interest in Bol’s performance than Mr. Gus, who just drank a little more whiskey.>>完整场景
Of course, real scouting skills were superfluous in a place as tame as Lonesome Dove, but Call still liked to get out at night, sniff the breeze and let the country talk. The country talked quiet; one human voice could drown it out, particularly if it was a voice as loud as Augustus McCrae’s. Augustus was notorious all over Texas for the strength of his voice. On a still night he could be heard at least a mile, even if he was more or less whispering. Call did his best to get out of range of Augustus’s voice so that he could relax and pay attention to other sounds. If nothing else, he might get a clue as to what weather was coming—not that there was much mystery about the weather around Lonesome Dove. If a man looked straight up at the stars he was apt to get dizzy, the night was so clear. Clouds were scarcer than cash money, and cash money was scarce enough.>>完整场景
No one has the faintest clue.>>完整场景
EDITH GREENSLY: You don't have any f***ing clue what's going on!>>完整场景
Absolutely. My answer is I don't have the first damn clue. Maybe he was an early morning riser and he liked to pack in the nq. And maybe he didn't have any friends. I'm an educated man, but I'm afraid I can't speak intelligently about the travel habits of William Santiago. What I do know is that he was set to leave the base at 0600. Now are these really the questions I was called here to answer? Phone calls and footlockers?>>完整场景
Not the dimmest clue.>>完整场景
(continuing) I can't spend my life waiting for that thing to catch up with me...always looking over my shoulder, wondering if I left some tiny clue behind... Reese doesn't respond.>>完整场景
He's afraid the cops will show up, so he got out of the car, forgetting that the three robbers, had no clue who he was.>>完整场景
And I say, "I have no f***ing clue!" The only person that you wanted to be in a relationship with was you.>>完整场景
Bill and Paul were living in this crummy motel acting like they had a clue about being in the computer business.>>完整场景
She begins searching the camper, quickly, for something in particular. We don't have the slightest clue what it could be.>>完整场景
How can I rob someone if I've no clue who he is?>>完整场景
That's what he said. Quince, having dispensed his information, looks proudly around at the Board members. They are stunned, Sloane in shock. Drew is absolutely still, letting Quince's words sink in. INT. DINING ROOM, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT Parrish, Joe, Susan, Allison and Quince are seated at the table, dessert plates in front of them, coffee cups beside. Allison and Susan's eyes are on Parrish, looking for some clue as to why has he gathered the family together yet again. Parrish is somewhat within himself, but he peeks over his demi-tasse cup at Joe, Parrish aware of Joe's heightened interest in Susan, and Susan's reciprocation. Coyle enters carrying two imposing stemmed silver trays with cakes on them, Luisa follows with one other. They set them down in front of Parrish.>>完整场景
We'll do it together. I'll clue you in. Timing's got to be right. The old man says it's up to Joe.>>完整场景