
n. 混淆,混乱;困惑


EXT. DECK OF THE WEST VIRGINIA - DAY Dorie emerges into even greater carnage and confusion. A sailor, his body on fire, runs past and leaps into the oily water -- but it is in flames too.>>完整场景
Dorie Miller emerges from below decks and sees the carnage, the confusion. A bloody OFFICER grabs him.>>完整场景
Let's not spoil this. Go your own way, but when you are ready, come to me the way a son should. I have hopes for you... CLOSE VIEW ON MICHAEL looking at his father with a mixture of great love, and also fear, and confusion.>>完整场景
For the first time, in the midst of the confusion, Hagen smiles. A bitter, contemptuous smile.>>完整场景
Terrified of his brother, and what he knows; Fredo backs away into the growing noise and confusion of the crowd.>>完整场景
EXT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - NIGHT We see evidence of the confusion at this late hour; already cars are beginning to move; people leaving the Palace in haste. Michael moves quickly toward his car. He sees Fredo, watching him in fear.>>完整场景
Groups of ordinarily dressed security men drawn in from all directions; a state of confusion prevails. There is no sign of the attackers.>>完整场景
EXT. TAHOE GATE AND KENNELS - DAY A confusion of cars; arriving and parking. The squad of parking attendants are supplemented by a whole team of the local Police, working as high-class parking valets.>>完整场景
and hurries back to the car, in a moment his car is gone, leaving even his bodyguards in confusion. We notice ONE MAN with a sports jacket in the group of spectators especially interested.>>完整场景
There was confusion everywhere. The remuda was running south, carrying the Spettle boy along with it. Two or three of the men had been thrown and their mounts were fleeing south. The thrown cowhands, expecting to die any minute, though they had no idea what was attacking, crept around with their pistols drawn.>>完整场景
But he shook his head when they pointed at the cattle. He thought they wanted to take the cattle and go west. When he shook his head, it caused a big laugh. The Indians seemed to think everything he did was pretty comical. They jabbered and pointed to the west, laughing, and then, to his dismay, three of them began to whoop at the cattle and got them started west. It seemed they were just going to take them. Newt felt sick with confusion. He knew the point had been reached when he ought to draw his pistol and try to stop it but he couldn’t seem to do it. The fact that the Indians were laughing and seemed friendly made it difficult. How do you shoot people who were laughing? Maybe the Captain could have, but the Captain wasn’t there.>>完整场景
July had never felt so inadequate. He was not even sure he could find his way back to where they had left the others. He was a sheriff, paid to fight when necessary, but nothing in his experience had prepared him for the slaughter he had just witnessed. Captain McCrae had killed six men, whereas he had not even fired his gun when the old bandit was aiming at him. It had all seemed so rapid, all those deaths in a minute or two. Captain McCrae had not seemed disturbed, whereas he felt such confusion he could scarcely think. He had met rough men in Arkansas and backed several of them down and arrested them, but this was different: the dying buffalo hunter had had nothing but a patch of blood between his legs.>>完整场景
“Are you snake-bit, Pea?” he asked, for in the confusion a man could get wounds he wasn’t aware of. He had known more than one man to take bullets without noticing it; one Ranger had been so frightened when his wound was pointed out to him that he died of fright, not the bullet.>>完整场景
At any other time the question would have struck Newt as simple. Either he heard something or he didn’t. But under the press of action and responsibilities, the old certainties dissolved. He did think he heard something, but he couldn’t say what. The sound was so distant and indistinct that he couldn’t even be sure it was a sound. The harder he strained to hear, the more uncertain he felt about what he heard. He would never have suspected that a simple thing like sound could produce such confusion.>>完整场景
The question threw Pea into confusion. He had been thinking about the girl he had seen in the window; to be asked when he was born meant stopping one line of thought and trying to shift to another, more difficult line.>>完整场景
Augustus had always admired the way Newt could stand on one leg while cleaning the other boot. “Look at that, Pea,” he said. “I bet you can’t do that.” Pea Eye was so used to seeing Newt stand on one leg to clean his boot that he couldn’t figure out what it was Gus thought he couldn’t do. A few big swigs of liquor sometimes slowed his thinking down to a crawl. This usually happenedat sundown, after a hard day of well-digging or horseshoeing; at such times Pea was doubly glad he worked with the Captain, rather than Gus. The less talk the Captain had to listen to, the better humor he was in, whereas Gus was just the opposite. He’d rattle off five or six different questions and opinions, running them all together like so many unbranded cattle—it made it hard to pick out one and think about it carefully and slowly, the only ways Pea Eye liked to think. At such times his only recourse was to pretend the questions had hit him in his deaf ear, the left one, which hadn’t really worked well since the day of their big fight with the Keechis—what they called the Stone House fight. It had been pure confusion, since the Indians had been smart enough to fire the prairie grass, smoking things up so badly that no one could see six feet ahead. They kept bumping into Indians in the smoke and having to shoot point-blank; a Ranger right next to Pea had spotted one and fired too close to Pea’s ear.>>完整场景
He stands up. A look of confusion crosses his face. He lifts his right hand, the one that he touched the spit with, and looks at it strangely, flexing it.>>完整场景
Ellie looks at him with confusion, then quickly checks the Caller ID box besides the phone. It's international, and not a number she recognizes.>>完整场景
SHE FLINCHES. HE SCREAMS like an animal in confusion and frustration.>>完整场景
Irving stares at Sydney with confusion. He’s never seen her like this before.>>完整场景
Maybe they just bettered who he was, cleared away his confusion.>>完整场景
I'm not comfortable with confusion.>>完整场景
That would make me a real a**hole, wouldn’t it? I don’t think writers are any smarter than other people. I think they may be more compelling in their stupidity, or in their confusion.>>完整场景
106. I refuse to accuse Fuse of diffusing confusion.>>完整场景
106. 我拒绝控告导火索散播混乱。
Now, if we can create enough confusion, maybe we can get them to break ranks.>>完整场景