
adj. 亲爱的;昂贵的;尊敬的


Where is dear William?>>完整场景
Come, dear, we don't have all day.>>完整场景
No shame in that dear.>>完整场景
My dear beloved crew. Finally... Today is..>>完整场景
Let us not, dear friends, forget our dear friends, the cuttlefish.>>完整场景
- Oh, dear.>>完整场景
Oh, dear.>>完整场景
That perhaps dear old Jack is not serving your best interests as captain?>>完整场景
- Dear Jim, pour me a gobbler.>>完整场景
Long lost, recently found who loves her dear papa with all her soul.>>完整场景
It's not a hanging, dear, it's a trial.>>完整场景
From his POV beneath the water, he sees something above the surface. It's only in his mind, but that makes it no less real...an orange glow, the warmth of the sunset, and her face above the surface... His limbs come to life, and he fights his way up, breaking the surface. The whole sea around him is dark and empty, but he grabs his makeshift preserver and holds on for dear life...and for Evelyn.>>完整场景
EVELYN'S VOICE (LETTER) Dear Rafe... It's strange to be so far from you in body, and so close to you in spirit. But if our spirits really give our bodies life, then you should know>>完整场景
And OVER THIS ferocious dogfight, we hear his letter to Evelyn... RAFE'S VOICE (LETTER) Dear Evelyn... It is cold here. So cold, in a way that goes deep into your bones.>>完整场景
My dear children.>>完整场景
You, my dear, are an apparition.>>完整场景
And so, dear friends, l ask you to adhere to the decision of the National Committee for Liberation and turn your arms over to us.>>完整场景
You have the keys to everything, don't you, my dear?>>完整场景
Oh, poor dear. You work so hard.>>完整场景
Well, l'm envious. Yes, dear.>>完整场景
Big talk, my dear, since your father prefers Ottavio.>>完整场景
Many years ago I had a friend, a dear friend.>>完整场景
He's not only my dear friend, he's my brother.>>完整场景
This is my very dear friend Joe.>>完整场景
“Nothing, Betsey,” Clara said. “Just a crazy woman talking to herself.” “Martin acts like he’s got a stomach-ache,” Betsey complained. “You didn’t have to look so mean at him, Ma.” Clara turned for a moment. “I won’t have him spitting out food,” she said. “The reason men are awful is because some woman has spoiled them. Martin’s going to learn manners if he learns nothing else.” “I don’t think men are awful,” Betsey said. “Dish ain’t.” “Let me be, Betsey,” Clara said. “Put Martin to bed.” She opened the letter—just a few words in a scrawling hand: Dear Clara—I would be obliged if you’d look after Lorie. I fear she’ll take this hard.I’m down to one leg now and this life is fading fast, so I can’t say more. Good luck to you and your gals, I hope you do well with the horses.Gus Clara went out on her porch and sat, twisting her hands, for an hour. She could see that the men were below, still smoking, but they were silent. It’s too much death, she thought. Why does it keep coming to me?>>完整场景