
adj. 精确的;准确的,精密的


Only then will we find our exact spot to see.>>完整场景
This chronometer keeps the exact time in London.>>完整场景
There's something to knowing the exact shape of the world and one's place in it.>>完整场景
Best you not know the exact whereabouts of my ship. I be a cautious man.>>完整场景
Sir, we just had an intelligence intercept. Someone from Tokyo called a local dentist whose office looks over Pearl. They wanted to know the exact location of the ships.>>完整场景
- Could you be more exact?>>完整场景
It came to her more strongly every day how much she missed Dee Boot. He was the exact opposite of July Johnson. July could be predicted down to the least gesture, whereas Dee was always doing what a person least expected. Once, in Abilene, to get revenge on a madam he hadn’t liked, he had pretended to bring her a nice pie from the bakery, and indeed he had got the baker to produce what looked like a perfect piecrust—but he had gone over to the livery stable and filled the piecrust with fresh horse turds. The madam, a big, mean woman named Sal, had actually cut into it before she sensed the joke.>>完整场景
“Nope,” Jake said. “We went to the door to watch the mule skinner run off and saw the dentist laying over there dead, fifty yards away. He had managed to get in the exact wrong spot.” “Pea done the same thing once,” Augustus said. “Remember, Woodrow? Up in the Wichita country? Pea shot at a wolf and missed and the bullet went over a hill and kilt one of our horses.” “I won’t forget that,” Call said. “It was little Billy it killed. I hated to lose that horse.” “Of course we couldn’t convince Pea he’d done it,” Augustus said. “He don’t understand trajectory.” “Well, I understand it,” Jake said. “Everybody in town liked that dentist.” “Aw, Jake, that won’t stick,” Augustus said. “Nobody really likes dentists.” “This one was the mayor,” Jake said.>>完整场景
So I try to, like, lock all the windows and I'll be like, "Oh, did you-- Oh, guess what?" I had the exact opposite upbringing.>>完整场景
MALCOLM (cont'd) Ready? Freeze your hand. Now I'm going to do the same thing from the exact same place. Which way is the drop going to roll off?>>完整场景
What I'm trying to say is, it’s was just a crazy accident. The exact same thing could have happened if he was with me. You can't go beating yourself up about it.>>完整场景
14 EXT. SKY - DAY 14 NNNNNRRRRRRNNNNNRRRRR... A SMALL AIRPLANE - a Beechcraft Kingair 200 Turboprop, to be exact - cruises through clear blue skies.>>完整场景
...no, to constitute a bribe, don’t I have to make an explicitoffer of money for services? Withan exact dollar figure attached?>>完整场景
It seems that the gauges were wrong, and we, uh, did not deliver as much gas as we charged the steel mill for." I said, "When did you find this out?" They said, "Just last week." I said, "And how much were the gauges wrong?" "Uh, by the exact amount of our profit.>>完整场景
In the exact time it takes him to pour the vodka and orange juice over ice, the website he's just called up gets loaded onto the screen.>>完整场景
They woke him up, tied his arms and legs with rope, and forced a rag into his throat. A few minutes later, a chemical reaction in Santiago's body called lactic acidosis caused his lungs to begin bleeding. He drowned in his own blood and was pronounced dead at 32 minutes past midnight. These are the facts of the case. And they are undisputed. That's right. The story I just told you is the exact same story you're going to hear from Corporal Dawson, and it's the exact same story you're going to hear from Private Downey. Furthermore, the Government will also demonstrate that the defendants soaked the rag with poison, and entered Santiago's room with motive and intent to kill.>>完整场景
Can I combine these ingredients in the same exact quantity, yes, but, the exact method of delivery to the brain... Darts at a dartboard.>>完整场景
Engineering a biological weapon is an exact science.>>完整场景
410. The exact contact with practice has practical impact on me.>>完整场景
But above all, it was fatal because the car crashed at the exact angle for the suspension shaft to hit his helmet.>>完整场景
What if they want to capture our ships for the exact same reason?>>完整场景
You know who else has the exact same thing and does that exact same thing?>>完整场景
You know I never do a job with the exact same crew twice, right?>>完整场景
However, it is often hard to predict the exact location of the herds.>>完整场景
Utterly untraceable were your exact words.>>完整场景