
vt. 支付,付;偿还,补偿


- [Newscaster] The Japanese believe in making an invasion pay for itself.>>完整场景
DANNY'S FATHER You no count boy! Johnson come lookin', said he'd pay a dime for you to shovel his pig shed, and I can't find you no place.>>完整场景
Feedback Loops:
A tight feedback loop is a game changer. Shortening your feedback loop will always pay dividends. Here are a couple of tools I use to shorten mine.>>完整场景
Banks took the money the American people gave them and used it to pay themselves huge bonuses and lobby the congress to kill big reform and then they blamed immigrants and poor people and this time even teachers!>>完整场景
I just know that at the end of the day average people are going to be the ones, -that are going to have to pay for all of this.>>完整场景
Morgan makes a sucker's bet and we pay their f***ing gambling debt?>>完整场景
What? -Suck it up and pay up fellas we made a deal no way, no!>>完整场景
I'll still pay you!>>完整场景
I always get option to pay adjustable, I'm a private contractor, I need the flexibility.>>完整场景
I always get option to pay adjustable.>>完整场景
Eh, we pay... eh... roughly... 80 to 90 million each year, which is surprising, because I was the first to do this trade watch, it will pay!>>完整场景
Mortgage fraud quintupled since 2000 and the average take-home pay is flat, but... Home-prices are soaring, that means the homes are dead, not assets so Mike burry of San Jose, a guy who... Gets his haircut at supercuts, and doesn't wear shoes, knows more than Alan greenspan and Hank Paulson... I haven't talked to Hank, but yes he does.>>完整场景
So now we pay up premiums on these swaps against housing-market until the mortgages fail?>>完整场景
It would also apply to your payments if the value of the mortgage-fund goes up you'd have to pay us monthly premiums.>>完整场景
You want to bet against the housing market, and you're worried we won't pay you?>>完整场景
Those bonds only fail if millions of Americans don't pay their mortgages.>>完整场景
I wanna buy... Swaps on mortgage bonds credit default swap, that will pay off... If the underlying... Bond fails.>>完整场景
But When you add thousands of them all bundled together suddenly, the yield goes up, but the risk is still small, because... Well, they're mortgages, and who the hell doesn't pay their mortgage?>>完整场景
Calo will pay him a visit at his home.>>完整场景
That's the price you pay for the life you choose.>>完整场景
lf only prayer could pay off our 700 million dollar deficit.>>完整场景
- l've come to pay my respects.>>完整场景
Of course, Signora Colombo can stay in the flat. Who were those miserable tenants to complain about noise from a poor animal...when they pay such low rent.>>完整场景
And pay cash.>>完整场景
(Sicilian) I never lie to people I've accepted as my friends. Speak to Fanucci yourself tomorrow. Let him ask you for the money, but don't pay it, and don't in any way quarrel with him. Tell him you have to get the money and will send me as your messenger. Let him understand that you're willing to pay what he asks, don't bargain. I'll go to his house, and quarrel with him. He likes me; enjoys explaining how things are here. He uses ten sentences when he only needs one, so while he talks, I'll kill him.>>完整场景