
n. 一圈;膝盖;下摆;山坳


- Yeah, usually it doesn't take three hours to do a lap chole either but here we are.
>> 爱因斯坦神模式 Einstein's God Model Movie Script
He goes to the pickup truck, driver's side. He opens the door and reaches over the driver's corpse for his lap belt.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
Moss, jammed almost in to the driver's lap, frantically gropes for the shift.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
It is all strange. Moss gropes in his lap and picks something up. The lock cylinder.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
He is slowly driving the parking lot, the receiver now in his lap.
>> 老无所依No Country for Old Men Movie Script
EXT. GUMP HOUSE - DAY Forrest closes his eyes as he sits on the porch. Jenny places a box of Nike running shoes in his lap.
>> 阿甘正传 Forrest Gump Movie Script
Gail goes to his chair, sits on his lap, and kisses him. He
>> 金钱世界 All the Money in the World Movie Script
My name's not Sullivan! A GUNSHOT ECHOES IN THE AIR. THE MAN'S CHEST EXPLODES IN RED AS HE FALLS TO HIS KNEES SCREAMING. Cole jerks back from the window. The bus quietly drives past THE OLD PRISON BUILDING.Cole stares down at his lap and tries not to look up anymore. Beat.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
The bumble bee pendant. Why do you keep taking it? Cole looks down at his lap.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
Cole-- MR. MARSCHAL What's going on there? Mr. Marschal strains to see across the room. Cole doesn't answer either of them. Instead, he continues to push the plant aside revealing AN AIR VENT. Cole gently reaches over and takes off the metal face. It slips right off. Cole's hands disappear into the darkness of the vent. They reemerge holding a STACK OF NOTEBOOKS.Malcolm becomes very still. Cole rises to his feet and carries the notebooks over to Mr. Marschal. Cole carefully places them on his lap. MR. MARSCHAL Is this for me? Mr. Marschal fingers the notebooks then reaches for his thick glasses hanging from his neck. He places them on the tip of his nose and inspects the notebooks six inches from his face. MR. MASCHAL What's this? Jill's keeping a diary. Malcolm takes an involuntary step forward. Mr. Marschal starts flipping through the notebooks. MR. MARSCHAL She's full of surprises... He gets to the last book. His hands become still as he stares at the final page of writing. MR. MARSCHAL (whispers) She hasn't written anything for some time. Beat. Mr. Marschal slowly looks up from the notebooks. Looks up to Cole. Cole just stands quietly. Mr. Marschal's eyes slowly fill with tears of realization. They gently spill down his weathered face. MR. MARSCHAL Oh no... Cole takes a deep breath. Trying hard not to cry himself. The sight of Mr. Marschal weeping shakes Cole. Cole softly lays his hand on Mr. Marschal's silver hair. Mr. Marschal reaches up and clutches his small hand. They stay like that for a while. Beat. Mr. Marschal lets go and brings the notebooks tighter to his body. Cole quietly walks to Malcolm who stands motionless. He stares down at Cole in a daze. Cole turns his head, crying.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
I knew there was a sound explanation. Malcolm returns to staring at his lap. Beat.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script

EXT. BENCH - AFTERNOON The legend, "Two Years Later" appears. A man flips open a worn file folder on his lap. Handwritten notes fill every line. At the top of the first page reads, "Vincent Gray, age 10, Referred January 19, 1989." The man's hand touches the name almost reverently.He glances through the page. Words and phrases are circled throughout the file. "...Acute anxiety" "...Socially isolated" "...Possible mood disorder" "...Parent status -- Divorced" "...Communication difficulty between mother-child dyad" The man's hands flip the page. At the top of this new page reads, "Cole Sear, age 8, Referred September 1998." As the man's fingers move through the notes we again see words and phrases circled throughout this new case history. "...Acute anxiety" "...Socially isolated" "...Possible mood disorder" "...Parent status -- Divorced" "...Communication difficulty between mother-child dyad" The hands close the notepad. The hands are slightly shaking now. WE PULL BACK to reveal the shaking hands belong to Dr. Malcolm Crowe. Malcolm sits on a sidewalk bench facing a row of brownstone homes across the street. He gazes blankly at the brownstones. Beat. A door opens. Malcolm is brought out of his trance. COLE SEAR steps out his front door. Cole is a munchkin of a boy with large, black eyes that seem to take in everything around him. His hair is dark, with a small patch of jet white on the side. Cole carefully locks the door behind him. He moves to the bottom of the stairs and looks around nervously. Anxiously. The eight-year-old child reaches into his pocket and slips on a pair of VERY LARGE GLASSES. They look comical on him. Malcolm rises to his feet. He smooths out his shirt. Looks down and buttons his jacket. When he looks up, Cole is gone. Malcolm barely catches a glimpse of the boy. Cole runs at full speed down the street and turns the corner. TINY SNEAKERS SCREECHING ON THE SIDEWALK.For a second, Malcolm doesn't react. The second passes. He stuffs the file in his bag and starts running too.
>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script
Yes, I am. I thoroughly enjoyed this - uh - peanut butter. (to the staff) And I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you. Joe raises the spoonful of peanut butter in a kind of toast to the staff. JOE (cont'd) I'll be moseying on. He heads out, with the spoonful of peanut butter, to cheer- ful "Goodnight, Mr. Black"'s, his tongue again licking the edges of the spoon. INT. SWIMMING POOL, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - DAY A spectacular indoor Olympic pool, window commanding views of the skyline. Susan is swimming laps, looking very professional in a black Speedo suit, Joe wanders in, still licking his peanut butter. He observes her, but she is unaware of him, however now, as she makes a barrel turn, his shadow falls over a reflection from a window, she aborts her lap, looks up to see who it is.
>> 第六感生死缘Meet Joe Black Movie Script