
adj. 严肃的;重大的;黯淡的


While they were having their cry, Deets and Pea got shovels from the wagon and dug a grave, back from the river a hundred yards, beside a live oak tree. Then they cut off part of one of the wagon sheets, wrapped the dead boy in it and carried him in the wagon to the grave. They laid him in it and Deets and Pea soon covered him, while most of the crew stood around, not knowing what to do or say.>>完整场景
“Throw that pig them eggshells,” he said to Bolivar. “He’s starving.” “I don’t care,” Bolivar said, sucking coffee-colored sugar out of a big spoon. “I feel sick.” “You’re repeating yourself, Bol,” Augustus said. “If you’re planning on dying today I hope you dig your grave first.” Bolivar looked at him sorrowfully. So much talk in the morning gave him a headache to go with his shakes. “If I dig a grave it will be yours,” he said simply.>>完整场景
- Her husband barely in the grave... and there she is cavorting with the captain.>>完整场景
With an eruption expected at any moment, the US Senate has convened a special committee, to answer a grave moral question: Do dinosaurs deserve the same protections given to other endangered species, or should they be left to die?>>完整场景
Come with me, hurry I'm risking my life getting you out I'll take us to safety Dear llona, I now hear clearly what "Gloomy Sunday" is saying I won't wait for the last bucket of sh*t I will do as Andras did I never really learned to fight, and anyway, it's too late Don't be sad that it didn't turn out as we'd hoped Hang on now: 'apres le deluge, tu! ' Grass is growing over you already You can't imagine how very much I miss you I miss you both so much Laszlo is dead, just like you He doesn't even have a grave His friend Wieck sent him up the chimney He only saved those who could help him after the war He planned it well He's a businessman Damn him to hell!>>完整场景
88 INT. LOGUE'S PARLOUR - NIGHT 88 The luminous dial of a wireless. Unbearable silence. Then: BERTIE (V.O. RADIO FILTER) In this grave hour, perhaps the most fateful in our history, I send to every household of my peoples, both at home and overseas... This is being listened to by Myrtle and the boys. The boys look at their mum. Suddenly they explode with cheers as the radio address continues: 89 INT./EXT. MONTAGE OF VARIOUS LOCATIONS IN ENGLAND AND AROUND 89>>完整场景
"In this grave hour...perhaps-the-most- fateful...in our history...">>完整场景
(hesitates, then) "In this grave hour, p-p-perhaps...">>完整场景
Take it from the top. "In this grave hour...">>完整场景
"In this grave hour... ">>完整场景
"In this grave hour... " Sorry.>>完整场景
BERTIE (V.O.) (stuttering very badly) "In this grave hour... " 86 INT. LOGUE'S CONSULTATION ROOM - NEW DAY 86 Bertie and Logue are rehearsing.>>完整场景
EXT. CEMETERY / GRAVESIDE - DAY As the service gets ready to begin, Will guides his mother to a seat near the grave.>>完整场景
That's a very grave charge, son.>>完整场景
But that's not what you said. You said he was being transferred because he was in grave danger.>>完整场景
Yes. Private Santiago was Below Average I didn't see the need in trampling on a man's grave.>>完整场景
And then finally you got to Step 4 which is accelerate cycle time. You are moving too slowly, go faster. But don't go faster until you work through the other three thing first. If you are digging your grave , don't dig it faster. Stop digging your grave.>>完整场景
81. On Revenue Avenue, the grave traveler jumped the gravestone bravely.>>完整场景
81. 在税收大道上,严肃的旅行者勇敢地跳过墓碑。
A thinking sentient being whose sole trajectory is toward the grave.>>完整场景
You can call me what you want, but the simple fact is mr. Clark has broken the laws of this state and exposed you all to grave danger.>>完整场景
Want to take that to the grave.>>完整场景
We offered him a guest membership at the spa... but he contends that massage, rays... weight training, and the like... would send him to an early grave.>>完整场景
Athos can't speak; he can only nod yes. Phillippe moves to join his mother, leaving Athos to take one final look down at the grave. Then as Athos moves off to join Aramis and Porthos, we PAN from the name "D'ARTAGNAN" on the stone, to the pattern chiseled beneath the name.>>完整场景
Aramis and Porthos move off together, to walk the lane of elms; Athos remains by the grave, unable to leave.>>完整场景
IN THE BARN: Porthos, grave with drama, utters his last words...>>完整场景