
n. 玫瑰,蔷薇;玫瑰红


Once he left, she went down to the river to wash the mud off her legs. Then, since the sun was already hot, she found a grassy place that wasn’t too wet and lay down to have a nap. Looking up at the sky, her spirits rose even more. The sky was perfectly clear and blue, only whitened with sun over to the east. Being outside felt good—she had spent too much time in little hot rooms, looking at ceilings.>>完整场景
AS SOON AS THE SUN got high enough to be warm, Lorena spread their gear on trees and bushes to dry. It seemed astonishing to her that she was alive and unhurt after such a night. Her spirits rose rapidly and she was even reconciled to having to ride the pack mule. But Jake wouldn’t hear of that. His own spirits were low.>>完整场景
After the night deepened, the moon came out and rose above the pines. Elmira sat on the stump and watched it, glad to be alone. The thought that July and Joe would be going off caused her spirits to lift—it occurred to her that once they left there would be nothing to stop her from leaving too. Boats went up the Arkansas nearly every week. It might be that Dee Boot was missing her as much as she missed him. He wouldn’t mind that she was with child—such things he took lightly.>>完整场景
But the moon changed. It moved around the sky; it waxed and waned. On the nights when it rose full and yellow over the plains around Lonesome Dove, it seemed so close that a man could almost ride over with a ladder and step right onto it.>>完整场景
It was tribute enough to sunup that it could make even chaparral bushes look beautiful, Augustus thought, and he watched the process happily, knowing it would only last a few minutes. The sun spread reddish-gold light through the shining bushes, among which a few goats wandered, bleating. Even when the sun rose above the low bluffs to the south, a layer of light lingered for a bit at the level of the chaparral, as if independent of its source. Then the sun lifted clear, like an immense coin. The dew quickly died, and the light that filled the bushes like red dust dispersed, leaving clear, slightly bluish air.>>完整场景
A delicate English rose withers in the outback. Hmm.>>完整场景
LILIBET & MARGARET ROSE Your Majesty.>>完整场景
Two little girls, LILIBET and MARGARET ROSE, aged eight and four, wave back from their nursery window.>>完整场景
Bertie exits York House with his young wife - ELIZABETH - considered by all to be one of the loveliest women in the land, truly an English rose. Golden Labradors and Corgis appear from all directions, weaving between them, barking boisterously, creating a happy chaos.>>完整场景
Once the stocks rose high enough, the banks and insiders could cash out, leaving others holding the overvalued shares.>>完整场景
- [ Screams ] - [ Laughs ] "I do not love you as if you were a salt rose or topaz... or the air o'er carnations that fire shoots off.>>完整场景
She was not a common rose.>>完整场景
My rose.>>完整场景
Your rose! She's there!>>完整场景
And I love a rose!>>完整场景
I have a rose... I see you've found my collection, 501,622,731 stars.>>完整场景
Your rose!>>完整场景
A rose.>>完整场景
You had a rose!>>完整场景
What if he's not back with his rose?>>完整场景
Yes. Just like I know the Little Prince will always be with his rose.>>完整场景
Back with his rose?>>完整场景
What they are looking for could be found in a single rose, or a little water.>>完整场景
But... He already has his rose... And I need you here.>>完整场景
She is my rose.>>完整场景