
vt. 遇见;满足;对付


I practice three hours a day so when I meet a pirate, I can kill him!>>完整场景
It'd be exciting to meet a pirate.>>完整场景
Jack. We meet again.>>完整场景
He'll cover our escape and meet us at Shipwreck Cove.>>完整场景
How is it we can never meet without you pointing something at me ?>>完整场景
The prophecy is this: Blackbeard will meet his death within a fortnight. At the hands of a one legged man.>>完整场景
And we do meet in nicer climes, ??.>>完整场景
Off in the distance the Japanese patrol boat takes a hit and explodes. Rafe and Danny meet between their bombers.>>完整场景
His wingman sees him veering away from the bombers...and sees the German fighters moving up to meet him.>>完整场景
I was hoping to meet him.>>完整场景
I was hoping to meet him.>>完整场景
Nice to meet you, Betty.>>完整场景
They move to Rafe; he crosses the platform to meet them, his eyes holding Evelyn.>>完整场景
I have to talk to Evelyn. And I want you to meet her.>>完整场景
He lands, and the guys run out to meet him...all except for the Training Captain, who stands there shaking his head.>>完整场景
We'll meet him at the harbour early in the morning.>>完整场景
Well, this is an opportunity for you to meet who you're betting against!>>完整场景
Figure out if this is a deal of a lifetime or... Everyone knows here something we don't and we're gonna get royally screwed right, remember that when you meet with guys from bear!>>完整场景
And then meet me over at standard & poors, we're gonna talk to Georgia get that f*** Jared vennett I want to bash his f***ing head in uh, gentlemen... I spoke with mark baum>>完整场景
I told you we'd meet later.>>完整场景
Not me, I'm not a weirdo, I'm pretty f***ing cool, but we'll meet again later!>>完整场景
Honoured to meet you.>>完整场景
Pleasure to meet you, I'm sure... He gets no response whatsoever from Bussetta.>>完整场景
Jake, Jake, come over here. Mike, I want you to meet Jake Cohen; he manages the casino for us.>>完整场景
When I was older, I learned many things from him here. I was happy that this house never went to strangers; first Clemenza took it over, and then you. My father taught me, in this room, never to act until you know everything that's behind things. Never. If Hyman Roth sees that I interceded with you in the Rosato Brothers' favor, he'll think his relationship with me is still sound. I'm going somewhere to meet him tomorrow. We have friends in some very important business that we're making. Do this for me; you make the peace with the Rosato Brothers on their terms. Let the word out that I forced you; you're not happy wit hit, but acquiesced, just because of me. It will get back to Hyman Roth. Do this, Frankie. You can trust me.>>完整场景