
n. 食堂,伙食团;混乱;脏乱的东西;困境


Irving opens the fridge which is a mess.>>完整场景
I'm gonna go f***ing mop up your mess!>>完整场景
IRVING ROSENFELD Now I gotta go mop up your mess.>>完整场景
This issue... If Silvercorp didn't make such a big mess of it, It all would have been concluded by the end of last year.>>完整场景
My kids are a mess.>>完整场景
Your desk is a mess.>>完整场景
EXT. SAN FRANCISCO STREET - DAY A brand new black Escalade pulls up in front of a gleaming glass and chrome office building.. SEAN is at the wheel and MARK, in the passenger seat, is wearing brightly colored pajamas with his hair a mess.>>完整场景
I don't understand, how did you know where the enlisted men's mess hall was if it's not in this book?>>完整场景
Corporal, would you turn to the page in this book that says where the enlisted men's mess hall is?>>完整场景
INT. MESS HALL - DAY -- SANTIAGO sitting alone in the mess hall, not a friend within four seats of him and>>完整场景
What a friggin' mess.>>完整场景
-And you're in a perfect position to mess all that up.>>完整场景
- Don't mess about.>>完整场景
If the juices spurt out, it's a big mess.>>完整场景
STRIKER'S THOUGHTS (v.o.) I've got to stay calm. If I can just keep my wits about me, I can't mess this one up.>>完整场景
SUBTITLES APPEAR: "I WOULD LIKE THE STEAK, PLEASE." BLACK DUDE #2 Shi' mo cain ma foh mess wi' ain?!>>完整场景
INT. PASSENGER CABIN - ANOTHER AREA - NIGHT BLACK DUDE #l Shi',man, tha' honkey mo'fo' mess wi' my ol' lady, man I rap tha' dude upside his head, man.>>完整场景
The room's a mess. All kinds of rubbish. There's a washtub sink. There's a cot.>>完整场景
If you hadn't made us wear these stupid costumes, we wouldn't be in this mess.>>完整场景
You mess up just once, and you're out of here.>>完整场景
-Just waltz in and make a mess and leave it for me to clean up.>>完整场景
Done in by the weight of those terrible tits Oh, my God There she blows Aerodynamically this girl was a mess Otto eyeballed the diva lying comatose amongst the reeds And he suddenly felt the fire of inspiration flood out of his soul He ran back to his workshop where he futzed and futzed and futzed For Otto Titsling had found his quest To lift and mould the female breast To point the small ones to the sky To keep the big ones high and dry Every night he'd sweat and snort Searching for the right support He tried some string and paper clips Hey, he even tried his own two lips Well, he stitched and he slaved and he staved and he stitched Until finally one night in the wee hours of morning Otto arose from his workbench triumphant, yes He had invented the world's First over-the-shoulder Boulder-holder Hooray Exhausted, but ecstatic Otto ran out to the diva Bearing the prototype in his hot little hand But little did Otto know At the moment of his greatest triumph lurking under the diva's bed was none other Than the very worst of the French patent thieves Phillipe de Brassiere And PhiI was watching the scene with a great deal of interest later that night white our Aida slept into the wardrobe Phillipe softly crept He fumbled through knickers and corsets galore Till he found Otto's tit sling and he ran out the door Crying, ''Oh, my God What joy, what bliss'' ''Im gonna make me a million from this'' ''Every woman in the world will want to buy one'' ''I will have all the goods'' ''Manufactured in Taiwan'' Ooh !>>完整场景
You'll mess up my floor.>>完整场景
Clean up your own mess. Don't call me.>>完整场景
A nylon satchel lies nearby. The mess is cleaned up.>>完整场景