
n. 笑声;笑


( farting ) ( laughter ) Ah, this is awesome!>>完整场景
Polite laughter. Jordan, not as impressed by the fish, cuts straight to the point:>>完整场景
(off laughter, Kimmieflips him the bird; he blows her a kiss) But, everybody, keep this in mind.>>完整场景
The American Journal of Medicine has found that laughter... increases secretion of catecholamines and endorphins... which in turn increases oxygenation of the blood, relaxes the arteries... speeds up the heart, decreases blood pressure... which has a positive effect on all cardiovascular and respiratory ailments... as well as overall increasing the immune system response.>>完整场景
580. In the beautiful bureau my daughter's laughter served for the sauce of the sausage.>>完整场景
At this moment she is bowled over by an IRISH SETTER that licks her face while she shrieks with laughter.>>完整场景
ANCHORMAN (V.O.) ...police had no further comment on the apparent similarity between the shooting death of an Encino woman earlier today... CUT WIDE to show Sarah watching the TV which is suspended over the bar. The place is a crowded, post-movie hangout, raucous with laughter and videogames. The newscast continues, ignored by all except Sarah.>>完整场景
MATT (V.O.) ...and then slowly pull your jeans off inch by inch and lick your belly in circles, further and further down... then I'll pull off your panties with my teeth... Sarah is repressing laughter.>>完整场景
40 INT. HEALTH CLUB/STAIRS AND CORRIDOR 40 PANAGLIDE WITH THE TWO GIRLS, as they descend to the first floor and enter a hallway Sarah is gasping with laughter.>>完整场景
No, it's all right. It's been a long time since I heard the sound of laughter in this room.>>完整场景
All laughter is forever gone.>>完整场景
The room goes silent — beat — then breaks into laughter.>>完整场景
FATHER grabs his BOY and throws him in the air. The BOY freaks out with laughter.>>完整场景
A wild burst of laughter. PUSH IN on Red. Feeling melancholy.>>完整场景
That's it for Red. He starts laughing. Laughing, hell, he's bellowing laughter, laughing so hard he has to hold himself, laughing so hard tears are pouring down his cheeks. The look of rage on Norton's face makes him laugh all the harder.>>完整场景
He throws his head back and ROARS with laughter.>>完整场景
It finally does, dying away like a siren until all that's left is the shallow gasping and panting of post-coitus. We hear languorous laughter, moans of satisfaction.>>完整场景
INT. JAPANESE NIGHT CLUB O-Ren has just become the official leader of crime in the city of Tokyo. The six Yakuza clan bosses, each with TWO BODYGUARDS standing behind them, toast their new leader, with much laughter and drinking...all except one...BOSS TANAKA.>>完整场景
Thank you for loving me. She smiles wanly, Joe leaves her. INT. PARRISH'S STUDY, COUNTRY ESTATE - NIGHT Parrish is seated by the window, lights from the party flashing past, the MUSIC and laughter audible but muted, the fever of the celebration lost on him, within himself. Joe enters, Parrish looks up.>>完整场景
Why did you come in here and tell me, Joe? You are the Biggest Shot of all, you don't have to ask my permission, but that's what you're doing. You know why? Because you've somewhere, somehow, developed into a good guy, and you know this is all wrong... I don't know what you're going to do -- how can this be love? She doesn't know who you are. Why don't you tell her? Try it out on her? See what happens. Reveal everything there is to know about yourself and let the chips fall where they may.Joe has received what Parrish has said. PARRISH (cont'd) Okay? -- I've given it my best shot. I wish I could tell you to sleep on it but... Parrish lets his words drift into silence, he shrugs, Joe regards him. EXT. LAWNS, COUNTRY ESTATE - NIGHT Joe makes his way down the path from Parrish's study, a weight on his shoulders, his step measured, within himself until he is hit by the lights and laughter and MUSIC of the party. He drifts into the center and runs right into Susan, couples swirl about them, the eye of a storm of gaiety.>>完整场景
Certainly, sir. Luisa nods, and heads back downstairs. Parrish enters his den, takes a seat in his chair, stares into the middle distance, ruminates. INT. GUEST ROOM, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT Joe has been examining his room, full of curiosity and wonderment at the oddest things, the handle on a casement window, the hem and weight of the fabric of a drape, hinges on the bedroom door. In the process he opens this door, steps out into the hallway. INT. HALLWAY, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT Joe wanders down the hallway past the occasional Dufy or Miro, a Venetian tapestry cheek-by-jowl with a miniature Ming vase, and even a Bonsai garden with a trickling vein of water. INT. KITCHEN HALLWAY, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT In the "back" of the house now, utilitarian paint and decor, the SOUND of laughter and a glare of light. Joe enters. INT. KITCHEN, PARRISH TOWNHOUSE - NIGHT The staff is at ease, some smoking, remains of food around. Coyle, the butler, has his back to Joe and does not see him for a moment. In front of Coyle, an open jar of peanut but- ter which he is spreading in generous hunks of Wonder Bread. Joe is fascinated by the process. Coyle suddenly hears the silence, looks up and see Joe, standing up embarrassedly.>>完整场景