
n. 仪式;惯例;礼制


He returns home; where his young wife, CARMELLA, goes through the silent ritual of preparing a simple meal for him.>>完整场景
We present the entire bridal procession and ceremony with all the ritual and pageantry, as it has always been, in Sicily.>>完整场景
Silently, he begins the ritual of dressing. His WIFE knows something serious is happening, and never takes her eyes from him. He lights a cigarette.>>完整场景
The monk pauses, for that is not the ritual answer to the question. The Drill Sergeant comes up to him and whispers in his ear, and the monk then continues.>>完整场景
JORDAN (V.O.) My morning ritual. First I’d getup and fight with Naomi aboutwhatever I did the night before.>>完整场景
Clearly this is a much loved ritual. Lionel disappears into a closet.>>完整场景
2 INT. DRESSING CHAMBER, YORK HOUSE - DAY 2 The ritual continues with crisp military precision.>>完整场景
He’s exhausted from the trip downstairs, but determined tomaintain the family dinner ritual.>>完整场景
As he plunks his 35 cents down and picks up a newspaper, he engages in his daily ritual with LUTHER, the newsstand operator.>>完整场景
Probably a pregame ritual.>>完整场景
Though she stands in for Satai Kadroni, she has not yet undergone the ritual.>>完整场景
In a few minutes we witness the entire ritual of the elephants' daily trip to the river, drinking, mud splashing, dusting and socializing!>>完整场景
You know this voodoo stuff. Can't you, like, demilk him with a ritual or something?>>完整场景
It's an old Haitian ritual.>>完整场景
-- spray-painted in dripping red on the wall outside thewindow is a FIVE-POINTED STAR. It seems the remnant of some satanic ritual. Painted above it, the words ROSSO BRIGATE.>>完整场景
Well, that's very nice to hear. Drew nods excitedly. EXT. NEW YORK HOSPITAL CORNELL MEDICAL CENTER - DAY The busy medical community at 68th Street and New York Avenue. INT. CORINTH COFFEE SHOP, NEW YORK AVENUE - DAY A thriving eatery diagonally across from the hospital's entrance, customers cheek-by-jowl as a pair of waiters juggle breakfasts served to a noisy throng of doctors, residents and interns. Susan has squeezed into a seat in the corner. A counterman, with a smile and a greeting, places a cup of coffee in front of her. A sense this is a daily ritual, arming herself for the day; immediately she becomes aware of a man behind her speaking into the pay phone. An attractive YOUNG MAN, early 30's, a pair of suitcase at his feet, a raincoat slung over his shoulder.>>完整场景