
n. 巫术;魔法;戏法


“I swear,” Pea Eye said. “He didn’t wait for you, Gus.” “Nope, he died fine,” Augustus said. “Go dig him a grave, will you, Pea?” They buried Jake Spoon by moonlight on the slope above the creek and, after some discussion, cut down Roy Suggs and little Eddie, plus the old man Dan Suggs had killed, a drummer named Collins with a wagonful of patent medicines. There was a good lantern in the wagon, which, besides the medicines, contained four white rabbits in a cage. The old man had run a medicine show, evidently, and did a little magic. The wagon contained a lot of cheaply printed circulars which advertised the show.>>完整场景
I got gulapa magic.>>完整场景
[Nullah Narrating] My magic not good.>>完整场景
Mrs. Boss promised she'd come for me... so I play my magic song.>>完整场景
We use magic.>>完整场景
- [Laughing] I magic man. I wizard man.>>完整场景
They're all linked, so when gulapa, the magic man... - sings them in order, he'll sing us to water.>>完整场景
They're gonna need more than magic to get 'em to Darwin.>>完整场景
Maybe that little creamy has got the blackfella magic.>>完整场景
- I magic man.>>完整场景
Well, a wizard is a sort of... magic man.>>完整场景
I make myself invisible... with gulapa magic!>>完整场景
I mean, it'd be magic, wouldn't it?>>完整场景
King George-he teach me how to catch'em fish using magic song.>>完整场景
Her DNA, retrieved from Smurfs The Lost Village before its absorb Gargamel's magic as she never was a real Smurf and thanks to evil wizard Gargamel for his made her out of a lump of clay.>>完整场景
Twenty years ago, de-extinction was right up there with magic.>>完整场景
CARTOON NEDRY: "You didn't say the magic word!">>完整场景
SYDNEY PROSSER: It’s magic.>>完整场景
Like magic, the dog’s whole demeanor changes. It bounces excitedly, ready to play fetch.>>完整场景
MARK (V.0.) First u is Kirkland. They keep everything open and allow indexes in their Apache configuration, so a little NGET magic is all that's necessary to download the entire Kirkland facebook.>>完整场景
He's going to astonish you with stories of rituals and dazzle you with official sounding terms like Code Red. He might even cut into a few officers for you. He'll have no evidence, mind you, none. But it's gonna be entertaining. When we get to the end, all the magic in the world will not have been able to divert your attention from the fact that Willy Santiago is dead, and Dawson and Downey killed him. These are the facts of the case.>>完整场景
(beat) Now, Lt. Kaffee, is gonna try to pull off a little magic act, he's gonna try a little misdirection.>>完整场景
Then what's the secret? What are the magic words? I give orders every day, and nobody follows them.>>完整场景
It's magic dust.>>完整场景
518. The submitted submarine on the magic magazine is shining and magnificent.>>完整场景