
vt. 搜索;打猎


Your father and I conspired to make John the Master of the Hunt.>>完整场景
Oh, no hunt? Mrs Winston gave me her saddle. I've had a wax.>>完整场景
Every November, Philip and Sarah's family host the hunt.>>完整场景
Three cubs, brilliant, the rest of the pride must be on a hunt.>>完整场景
Lions normally do not hunt on farmland, but the loss of their habitat force them occasionally to raid villages for domestic animals.>>完整场景
Most predators do quite well in national parks and private game reserves, as there are plenty of prey for them to hunt.>>完整场景
Whatever it takes to hunt him down.>>完整场景
They're dirty, vicious, and they hunt birds.>>完整场景
Stefan shut himself behind the walls of his castle while his soldiers rode far and wide to hunt Maleficent down.>>完整场景
Do You hunt?>>完整场景
Witch hunt.>>完整场景
There're hunt for a witch.>>完整场景
INT. GOTHAM JUSTICE BUILDING. SITUATION ROOM - DAY The hunt for THE BAT-MAN has been kicked into high gear.>>完整场景
Nope. It's business as usual for me. I play the good soldier, stay low and hunt for my BAT-MAN.>>完整场景