
adj. 连续的,持续的;继续的;连绵不断的


INT. PRESIDENTIAL PALACE - NIGHT The entire reception has been disrupted for an announcement; all the guests in their formal dress and evening gowns, standing with frightened faces like first class passengers on a doomed ship. The President himself, his back to our VIEW, is making an announcement in Spanish. While he speaks, we notice continuous movement of his personal staff, carrying suitcases and possessions.>>完整场景
SONNY is pounding the cowered CARLO with all his strength, in a continuous monologue of indistinguishable cursing. His blows are powerful; and begin to draw blood.>>完整场景
101EXT. RIVER BANK - CONTINUOUS - NIGHT101 The three companions sprint towards the source of the RINGING.>>完整场景
98EXT. ON THE BARGE - CONTINUOUS DAY98 The current takes the craft downstream, letting us get our first good look at the incredible AVIARY.>>完整场景
Just as the pteranodons are about to swoop in for the kill, Alan and Paul dive back into the river... 97EXT. THE RIVER - CONTINUOUS DAY97 ...and resurfaces on the far side of the mesh aviary wall, GASPING for air. Just behind them, the mammoth PTERANODON: CRASHES into the mesh. It tears at the steel, actually ripping it in one place.>>完整场景
76EXT. OBSERVATION ROOM - CONTINUOUS DAY76 Grant looks up to see Billy leaning out over the edge of the observation platform. He suddenly realizes what Billy is about to do.>>完整场景
59INT. DINO KENNEL - CONTINUOUS - DAY59 The group slams the door behind them and quickly takes in the room.>>完整场景
58INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS - DAY58 Paul leads the way, checking the door for possible escape routes or hiding places. Twenty feet behind, THE RAPTOR: rounds a corner, bolting after them. Paul ducks in the closest door.>>完整场景
Grant directs the group through some underbrush and into -- 44EXT. CLEARING - CONTINUOUS - DAY44 Our friends stop dead in their tracks. Amanda stifles a cry.>>完整场景
42INT. PLANE - CONTINUOUS - DAY42 Inside, windows EXPLODE, raining glass over the passengers. As the walls compress, Udesky becomes trapped in the rear of the plane, the others in front.>>完整场景
41EXT. JUNGLE FLOOR - CONTINUOUS - DAY41 The plane comes to an abrupt halt as it SMASHES into a tree.>>完整场景
40INT. PLANE - CONTINUOUS - DAY 40 The passengers are prowled on the ceiling of the plane, dazed by the impact. Everyone is cut and bruised.>>完整场景
39EXT. JUNGLE - CONTINUOUS - DAY 39 The plane breaks free of the tree limbs and DROPS tail-first to the jungle floor.>>完整场景
38INT. PLANE - CONTINUOUS - DAY 38 The passengers are thrown about as the craft CRASHES through trees, tearing off a wing and pieces of the tail.>>完整场景
37EXT. RUNWAY - CONTINUOUS - DAY 37 The turboprop banks into the jungle, out of control.>>完整场景
36INT. THE COCKPIT - CONTINUOUS - DAY 36 Looking through the windshield, we see the creature is directly in the path of the plane.>>完整场景
35INT. THE COCKPIT - CONTINUOUS - DAY 35 All eyes are on the creature as it devours Cooper. Amanda turns away in horror.>>完整场景
34EXT. RUNWAY - CONTINUOUS - DAY34 We are looking down on Cooper from behind. As the plane approaches,>>完整场景
29 INT. PLANE - CONTINUOUS - DAY 29 Udesky waits by the door, hustling everyone inside. Nash hurries into the cockpit. Everyone scrambles to a seat. Amanda climbs next to Paul.>>完整场景
25 INT. MAIN CABIN - CONTINUOUS DAY 25 Looking out the window, Grant notices they're flying awfully low. Just then, he hears a MECHANICAL HUM and a LOW RUSH from outside. Now wanting to believe -->>完整场景
24 INT. COCKPIT - CONTINUOUS DAY 24 Udesky puts down his binoculars.>>完整场景
EXT. ISLA SORNA – GRASSY FIELD – CONTINUOUS DAY An Apatosaur is grazing on the grass.>>完整场景
23 INT. PLANE - CONTINUOUS DAY 23 Paul puts his hand atop Amanda's as they stare intently out the window.>>完整场景
* 230B INT. HALLWAY - CONTINUOUS 230B* Jordan grabs a pair of scissors and starts slashing thecouch. He retrieves a stash of coke from the couch lining. Naomi enters the hallway as Jordan snorts coke.>>完整场景