
vt. 重复;反射


The Justice goes through the bored, simple ceremony, and we begin to HEAR an echo of the waltz Connie danced with her father, when she was married all those years ago in Long Island.>>完整场景
-- so that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to cherish -- every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, "Dear God, what is that thing?" will echo in your perfect ears.>>完整场景
A second later, as the echo of the gun died, he heard a click a few yards to his right. He whirled and fired at it. A moment later the underbrush began to shake as if a huge snake were wriggling through it. Augustus ran into the weeds and saw the wounded Indian trying to crawl away. He at once shot him in the back of the head, and didn’t stop to turn him over.>>完整场景
Take it easy. Echo.>>完整场景
There's Echo.>>完整场景
In hushed tones the BBC commentator paints a picture for the world, as you stand at the altar divested of your robes. Trumpets echo through the Abbey. The incessant rain clears miraculously as a shaft of sun streams through the stained-glass window catching your golden tunic and bathing you in light like a mediaeval knight. And you are King!>>完整场景
[ Imitating Echo ] Get him in my office now.>>完整场景
- There was an echo.>>完整场景
581. The mechanical mechanic knows the technique and technology of the echo mechanism.>>完整场景
Echo, echo, echo, cho, cho, o, o, o, o, o.>>完整场景
He becomes aware of ECHO.>>完整场景
"An L.A.P.D. Narcotics officer was killed today serving a warrant in Echo Park. " Give me the b*tch.>>完整场景
176 INT. VUKOVICH'S OFFICE 176 MEDIUM ON SARAH, her teeth are chattering with fear as SHOTS echo nearby. There is the RHYTHMIC THUNDER of the shotgun, rattling AUTOMATIC FIRE, SCREAMING, and the sound of RUNNING FEET. Getting closer.>>完整场景
I would applaud thee to the very echo that should applaud again.>>完整场景
It might be just an echo or... Oh, hell.>>完整场景
We have an echo on vector approach, might be them.>>完整场景
The sensors have detected an echo which seems to be following our course.>>完整场景
Luis Rodriguez: This is Luis Rodriguez. And I'm going to read my poem, "The Rooster Who Thought it Was a Dog." Echo Park mornings came on the wings of a rooster's gnawing squawk. This noise, unfortunately, also brought in the afternoon, evenings, and most hours of the day. The rooster had no sense of time, nor any desire to commit to one. He'd cock-a-doodle whenever he had the notion.>>完整场景
Okay, okay. F***! This is Charlie, Echo, India.>>完整场景
Motherf***er! Charlie, Echo, India, comply immediately.>>完整场景
Charlie Echo India, ...re-route to Kabala airport on heading zero-two nine.>>完整场景
BLAM! BLAM! The shots echo in the garage.>>完整场景
INT. GOTHAM JUSTICE BUILDING GARAGE - NIGHT GORDON'S footsteps echo through the empty garage. He puts his key in the car door then, turns at a SOUND.>>完整场景
He hears the sound of a fist pounding a door. Voices echo down the empty stairwell.>>完整场景
149INT -- SOLITARY CONFINEMENT -- DAY (1955) 149 Andy doesn't seem to mind. His arms sweep to the music still playing in his head. We hear a FAINT ECHO of the soaring duet.>>完整场景