
adj. 激动的;兴奋的;活跃的


INT. HORNET'S RADIO ROOM - DAY The operators hear the excited voices of Japanese radio traffic.>>完整场景
Are you excited to move out of this place?>>完整场景
We were just excited!>>完整场景
We're so excited to get setup on your trading platform!>>完整场景
They have barely come to their seats, when an excited Genco nudges Vito, and points to the stage. People shout that they should sit down.>>完整场景
A professional dance team, probably imported from Vegas, dance the tango for the excited guests.>>完整场景
FREDO is as excited as a kid, snapping orders at the bellboys, waiters and maids.>>完整场景
DON'S OFFICE (WINTER 1945) SONNY is in the DON's office; he is excited and exuberant.>>完整场景
I'm so excited. It's, like, the first time I ever sent anything in.>>完整场景
You must be very excited, huh?>>完整场景
Get everybody excited.>>完整场景
Yes, indeed, sir. You're very excited.>>完整场景
I'm excited to be here.>>完整场景
We're all very excited to have you here.>>完整场景
I'm really starting to get excited about this, Sonic.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON DREW: Who is more excited than all the others.>>完整场景
It is a woman What's so excited about a woman?>>完整场景
HUMPERDINCK: You don't seem excited, my little muffin.>>完整场景
THE KID'S ROOM He is terribly excited and looks stronger than we've yet seen him.>>完整场景
But I am excited about the opportunities that affords.>>完整场景
“Captain Call?” he asked. “I write for the Denver paper. They pointed you out to me. Can I speak to you for a minute?” Call mounted the dun and caught the mule’s lead rope. “I have to ride,” he said. “It’s still a ways to Texas.” He started to go, but the boy would not give up. He strode beside the dun, talking, much as Clara had, except that the boy was merely excited. Call thought it strange that two people on one trip would follow him off.>>完整场景
He rode through Denver, remembering that he had never sent Wilbarger’s brother the telegram he had promised, notifying him of Wilbarger’s death. It had been a year and he felt he owed Wilbarger that consideration, though he soon regretted coming into the town, a noisy place filled with miners and cattlemen. The sight of the buggy with the coffin excited such general curiosity that by the time he was out of the telegraph office a crowd had gathered. Call had scarcely walked out the door when an undertaker in a black hat and a blue bow tie approached him.>>完整场景
July lay awake all night, remembering how it felt to have her take his hand. Her fingers had twined for a moment in his before she let go. It had seemed she needed him, else she wouldn’t have squeezed so. It made him so excited that he couldn’t sleep, yet when he went back upstairs in the morning and stepped into the sickroom, Clara was distant, though it was a fine sunny day and the baby’s fever was down. His breath still rattled, but he was asleep.>>完整场景
“Not but three,” Augustus said. “This is a smart bunch we’re up against. They seen right off a rush would cost them dear.” Pea Eye watched the Indians for a while. They weren’t yelling, and they didn’t seem excited.>>完整场景
That afternoon July came back with a minister. The two nearest neighbors came—German families. Clara had seen more of the men than of the women—the men would come to buy horses and stay for a meal. She almost regretted having notified them. Why should they interrupt their work just to see Bob put in the ground? They sang two hymns, the Germans singing loudly in poor English. Mrs. Jensch, the wife of one of the German farmers, weighed over three hundred pounds. The girls had a hard time not staring at her. The buggy she rode in tilted far to one side under her weight. The minister was invited to stay the night and got rather drunk after supper—he was known to drink too much, when he got the chance. His name was the Reverend Spinnow and he had a large purple birthmark under one ear. A widower, he was easily excited by the presence of women. He was writing a book on prophecy and rattled on about it as they all sat in the living room. Soon both Clara and Lorena felt like choking him.>>完整场景