n. 喝酒;喝,饮
- Throughout his years as a Ranger, Augustus had always been renowned for his remarkable eyesight. Time and again, on the high plains and in the Pecos country, it had been proven that he could see farther than other people. In the shimmering mirages the men were always mistaking sage bushes for Indians. Call himself could shade his eyes and squint and still not be certain, but Augustus would merely glance at the supposed Indian for a moment, laugh and go back to card playing or whiskey drinking or whatever he might be doing.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- He hadn’t spent a night alone with a woman in his whole life and didn’t plan to start with Louisa, who stood in the doorway drinking a dipper of water. She squished a swallow or two around in her mouth and spat it out the door. Then she put the dipper back in the bucket and leaned over Roscoe, so close he nearly tipped over backward in his chair out of surprise.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Jake had no part in the decision because Jake was drunk. He had been steadily drinking whiskey all day as they rode, and was so unsteady in his seat that Lorena wasn’t even sure they were still going in the right direction. But they were ahead of the cattle—from every clearing she could look back and see the dust the herd raised. It was a fair way back, but directly behind them, which made her feel reassured. It would not be pleasant to be lost, with Jake so drunk.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Wipe your lip, July,” she said. “I wish you’d ever learn, or else stop drinking that buttermilk.” Embarrassed, he wiped it. When Elmira was annoyed she made him so nervous that he couldn’t really remember whether he had eaten, or what.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- July’s feelings of responsibility had to do with the town, not the man who was killed. Since pinning on the sheriff’s badge two years before, his sense of responsibility for the town had grown steadily. It seemed to him that as sheriff he had a lot more to do with the safety and well-being of the citizens than Benny had as mayor. The rivermen were the biggest problem—they were always drinking and fighting and cutting one another up. Several times he had had to pile five or six into the little cell.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “The problem is, I ain’t used to being consulted,” Augustus said. “I’m usually sitting on the porch drinking whiskey at this hour. As for the brush, my choice would be to go through. It’s that or go down to the coast and get et by the mosquitoes.” “Where do you reckon Jake will end up?” Call asked.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- He walked through the house and had a look at the roofless barn, amused at how little trace remained of their ten years’ residence. They had lived the whole time as if they might leave at any minute, and now that was exactly what they had done. The barn would stay roofless, the well only partially dug. The rattlesnakes could take the springhouse, for all he cared—he had already removed his whiskey jug. It would be a while before he had such a good shady porch to sit on, drinking the afternoon out. In Texas he had drunk to take his mind off the heat; in Montana, no doubt, it would be to take his mind off the cold. He didn’t feel sad. The one thing he knew about Texas was that he was lucky to be leaving it alive—and, in fact, he had a long way to go before he could be sure of accomplishing that much.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- They sat together silently as the top half of the sun shot long ribbons of light across the brown river and the drinking horses, some of whom lay down in the shallows and rolled themselves in the cooling mud. When the herd began to move in twos and threes up the north bank, Call touched the mare and he and the boy moved out into the water. Call loosened his rein and let the mare drink. He was as pleased with her as he was with the catch. She was surefooted as a cat, and far from used up, though the boy’s mount was so done in he would be worthless for a week. Pea’s big bay was not much better. Call let the mare drink all she wanted before gathering his rein. Most of the horses had moved to the north bank, and the sun had finished lifting itself clear of the horizon.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “I hope the Captain don’t see him,” Newt said. The Captain was intolerant of drinking unless it was done at night and in moderation.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- While Wilbarger was drinking, Augustus looked at Call. The remark about the hundred horses had struck him as bold talk, even if they were planning a swing through Mexico. Their main object on recent swings had been cattle. Now and again they ran into a few horses and threw them in with the cattle, but seldom more than ten or twelve in one night. Where the other ninety were to come from Augustus didn’t know.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Wilbarger looked enviously at Augustus’s jug. “By God, I bet that ain’t persimmon juice you’re drinking,” he said. “I wish I could afford an easy life.” “If you was to dismount and stop scaring my pigs you’d be welcome to a drink,” Augustus said. “We can introduce ourselves later.” The shoat got up and walked right under the black horse, which was well broke enough that it didn’t move. Wilbarger was more shocked than the horse. In fact, Augustus was shocked himself. The shoat had never done such a thing before, though he had always been an unpredictable shoat.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- It put him in mind of family games, the kind he had once played with his lively sisters in Tennessee. The memory of those games usually put him to drinking more than he liked to—and all because Lorie ceased being a sulky whore for a little while and reminded him of happy girls he had once known.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- ( farting ) Possibly as a result of drinking too much - or of feeling sick.>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
- One of my colleagues from work had been drinking beer, hot dogs, onions-- - the whole lot... - What a mixture.>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
- And as for drinking, do you drink a lot?>> 倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole (1951) Movie Script
- In Detroit, I was caught drinking out of season.>> 倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole (1951) Movie Script
- But that Callahan, he been stopped drinking Mrs. Boss's tea.>> 澳大利亚乱世情 Australia Movie Script
- Hammond shakes his head and turns to the TECHNICIAN to his right, who still has his back to them, watching a Costa Rican game show on one of his monitors and drinking a Jolt cola.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- Grant looks down, at the plate he's eating from. It's in the shape of the island itself. He looks at his drinking cup. It's got a T-rex on it, and a splashy Jurassic Park logo.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- The screen image changes from animated to a nature- photography look. It's an extreme close-up of a mosquito, its fangs suck the deep into some animals flesh, its body pulsing and engorging with blood it's drinking.>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
- The place goes absolutely INSANE. And as Donnie and Max trade looks, TECHNO MUSIC BLASTS taking us to... 202Ea EXT. YACHT NAOMI - AFT DECK - DAY (SPRING ‘96) It’s celebration time. DOZENS of Strattonites party, drinking/dancing/snorting, Jordan at the center of it.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- AGENT DENHAM: Bureau forbids us from drinking at sea.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- They look up. On the yacht Naomi, Jordan stands waving, drinking wine with two Blue Chip HOOKERS in bikinis.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- And as they continue drinking... JORDAN (V.O.) He was also a closet drug fiend.>> 华尔街之狼 The Wolf of Wall Street Movie Script
- Sydney sits on the bed drinking a Fresca.>> 美国骗局 American Hustle Movie Script