
vt. 用糖煮;使结晶为砂糖;美化


Well, I ate all my broccoli. Can I please have my candy now?
>> 2024-9 stadium, gym naked
Some orange juice, candy... l have trouble with diabetes.
>> The Godfather: Part III 教父 3 1990 Movie Script
A HIGH VIEW ON THE CORLEONE MALL in the springtime. Hordes of little CHILDREN including many of the Corleone Children and Grandchilren, rush about carrying little Easter baskets, searching here and there for candy treasures and hidden Easter eggs.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
CARLO has barely settled down, when the kids in the street suddenly scatter, and a car comes screeching up the block and to a halt in front of the candy store. The tires scream, and before it seems as though it has even stopped, a MAN comes hurtling out of the driver's seat, moving so fast the everyone is paralyzed. It is a moment before we recognize that it is SONNY.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
When kids trick or treat, people give them candy.
>> 2024-01-the grilled cheese sandwich
Newt was happy with his new horse, which he named Candy. It was the first real gift he had ever been given in his life, and he talked to anyone who would listen of the wonderful woman on the Platte who knew how to break horses and conduct picnics too. His enthusiasm soon caused the other hands to be jealous, for they had accomplished nothing except a drunk in Ogallala, and had missed the nice picnic and the girls.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
They certainly would not be likely to remember his chance remark. He saw that the strongest thing they had treated themselves to so far was horehound candy.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Was it me?” Newt asked, feeling that maybe he should have managed things better. “Was it just that he was quirting me?” “That was part of it,” Augustus said. “Call don’t know himself what the rest of it was.”“Why, he’d have killed that man, if you hadn’t roped him,” Dish said. “He would have killed anybody. Anybody!” Augustus, eating his candy, did not dispute it.IT WAS BECAUSE of the fight that the boys ended up amid the whores. Dish saddled and left, and Augustus finished loading the wagon and started out of town. When he turned the wagon around, Newt and the Raineys were talking to Pea Eye, who had been up the street getting barbered and had missed the fight. Pea Eye had so much toilet water on that Augustus could smell him from ten feet away. He and the boys were standing around the bloody anvil and the boys were explaining the matter to him. Pea didn’t seem particularly surprised.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Once,” Augustus said. “He killed a Mexican bandit that way once before I could stop it. The Mexican had cut up three white people, but that wasn’t what prompted it. The man scorned Call.” He took another piece of candy. “It don’t do to scorn W. F. Call,” he said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“’I god, this is a hardheaded lot,” Augustus said, walking over to Ben Rainey. He took the candy sack and helped himself to a piece. “Hardly a one of you will take good advice.” Call mounted the Hell Bitch, slowly re-coiling his rope. Several townspeople had witnessed the fight. Most were still standing there, watching the man on the gray mare.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“That’ll teach you to sass me, cowboy,” he said. Then he glanced at the boys. “He can send the bill for this mare to the U.S. Army,” Dixon said. “That is if he ever remembers there was a mare, when he wakes up.” Newt was all but paralyzed with worry. He had seen the pistol butt strike Dish twice, and for all he knew Dish was dead. It had happened so quickly that Ben Rainey still had his hands in the sack of candy.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Let’s save one for Montana,” Newt said. “There might not be no more towns.” But his cautions fell on deaf ears. Pete Spettle and the others consumed their share of the candy with dispatch.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Why, he won’t let us fill it with candy,” Jimmy Rainey said. Nonetheless, feeling bolder and more experienced, they went back in the store and bought two more sacks.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The town abounded in saloons, of course, but at first the boys were too spooked to go in one. Probably they would be looked at, because of their age, and anyway they didn’t have funds for drinking. What little they had must be saved for whores—at least that was their intention. But the fourth or fifth time they passed the big general store their intentions wavered, and they all slipped in for a look at the merchandise. They stared at the guns: buffalo rifles and pistols with long blue barrels, and far beyond their means. All they came out with was a sack of horehound candy. Since it was the first candy any of them had had in months, it tasted wonderful. They sat down in the shade and promptly ate the whole sack.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Luke looked at her belly. “Not for a while yet,” he said. “This ain’t gonna take no month. It probably won’t take six minutes. I’ll pay you. I won good money playing cards back at the Fort.” “No,” Elmira said. “I’m afraid of Zwey.” She wasn’t really, but it made a handy excuse. She was more afraid of Luke, who had mean eyes—there was something crazy in his looks. He also had a disgusting habit, which was that he liked to suck his own fingers. He would do it sitting by the fire at night—suck his fingers as if they were candy.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“He likes to surprise the boys,” Call said. “He’s always coming up with something different.” They trotted over and saw that Po Campo had made the hailstones into a kind of candy, with the use of a little molasses.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I wish you’d fry up some of these mosquitoes,” Augustus said. “I doubt they’d make good eating, but at least we’d be rid of them.” Then Deets ate the grasshopper. He crunched it, chewed, and then reached for another, grinning his big grin. “Tastes just like candy,” he said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
THE NAME STRUCK NEWT like a blow, so much did Jake Spoon mean to him. As a very little boy, when his mother had still been alive, Jake Spoon was the man who came most often to see her. It had begun to be clear to him, as he turned over his memories, that his mother had been a whore, like Lorena, but this realization tarnished nothing, least of all his memories of Jake Spoon. No man had been kinder, either to him or his mother—her name had been Maggie. Jake had given him hard candy and pennies and had set him on a pacing horse and given him his first ride; he had even had old Jesus, the bootmaker, make him his first pair of boots; and once when Jake won a lady’s saddle in a card game he gave the saddle to Newt and had the stirrups cut down to his size.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Two candy bars, please.
>> 倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole (1951) Movie Script
Eric rips into a candy bar. After a moment, he realizes he should offer one to his guest as well.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
Grant takes a better look around Eric's tiny hideaway, impressed with what he's been able to scavenge. Among the many items we see another smoke canister, some battery-powered lanterns and lots of candy wrappers. This kid's been living on chocolate for weeks.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
Picking through the glass, he pulls out some candy bars and chips. He checks the expiration date.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
It smells like candy. Ooh!
>> 火箭小子-十月的天空 1999 October Sky Movie Script
They came from a different way of doing business... Like running their own candy store type of way doing business.
>> The China Hustle Movie Script
Want some candy?
>> 再生侠 Spawn Movie Script