
adj. 韩国人的;韩国语的;朝鲜人的;朝鲜语的


Trevor indicates a seat near him, much lower than the one he is sitting in. The Korean master prefers to remain standing.>>完整场景
INT. TREVOR HOUSE – SAME DAY ESTABLISHING SHOT OF TREVOR BEING PAMPERED BY HIS ENTOURAGE The masseur is massaging his shoulders, a woman is doing a pedicure and another is doing a manicure. An exercise physiologist is going over a computer print out with Trevor, when an old Korean master, MASTER KIM, comes into the room.>>完整场景
Our favourite Korean is getting robbed right now.>>完整场景
Two weeks before he died... he told me that in the Korean War... it felt like he'd lost his soul.>>完整场景
As you've seen, the terrible North Korean biochemical disaster unleashed a whole host of new diseases.>>完整场景
That North Korean biochemical operation really paid off.>>完整场景
North Korean refinery secretly producing biological weapons.>>完整场景
l want you to find the North Korean radar floor.>>完整场景
- Can you speak Korean?>>完整场景
Can you speak Korean?>>完整场景
- Can you speak Korean?>>完整场景
You remember that thing we had about thirty years ago... called the Korean conflict?>>完整场景
Of course not, Daddy. I'm sorry. There is something in Susan's tone that lets him know not a word has sunk in. Parrish slumps. SUSAN (cont'd) I love you, too. She kisses Parrish, rearranges one of his ranks of cards, shuffles through the deck, turns over the top card, lays down a card Parrish needs. SUSAN (cont'd) Lightning does strike. Parrish watches as Susan turns, disappears out the door. EXT. THIRD AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY - TWILIGHT Joe walking disconcertedly up the street, bumping shoulders with the rush hour crowd, trapped in the life of the city, he peers intently at faces, cars, into store windows. He stops now at the window of a Korean grocery, something has caught his eye, he steps inside. Through the window, Joe can be seen making a purchase, he hands the Korean Clerk some money, walks out. Joe, back on the street now, unscrews the top of a jar of peanut butter, dips a wad out with his fingers. The Korean Clerk runs out after him.>>完整场景
Conflict, honey. Korean Conflict.>>完整场景
From the Korean War.>>完整场景