
vt. 改变;交换


Wow, that's quite a change.>>完整场景
She almost forgot to change to line seven!>>完整场景
7号线,是line seven. 不是seven line。
We have to stand up for our rights! If they don't even know we're dissatisfied, things will never change.>>完整场景
You must take personal responsiblity. You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons, or the wind, but you can change yourself. That is something you have charge of.>>完整场景
I know how to get back to China It takes 10 days to reach San Francisco by carriage, Another six months to Hong Kong by ship From there it takes 3 days' on train to Canton, then again by carriage to Fu Shan Whatever you say will not change my decision Now will you go prepare the carriage?>>完整场景
Times change. Prohibition won't last much longer. Take it from me a lot of you will be out of work.>>完整场景
Then the other kids got the same idea, so they also wanted to change their beds.>>完整场景
He got restless, so he wanted to change his bed, that'all.>>完整场景
Let Papa change you.>>完整场景
Jesus Christ, they change fast.>>完整场景
With a man like Frankie Monaldi you don't say, "yes" and then, say "no. " I cannot take the chance to change your mind, you understand?>>完整场景
- Being inside can change you.>>完整场景
By building smaller parts, one at a time, you can change directions as you get to higher-level components after you build a solid lower-level foundation.>>完整场景
MIRACLE MAX: Go through his clothes and look for loose change.>>完整场景
I'm gonna need a change of clothes.>>完整场景
We think the EVA was to change batteries.>>完整场景
The Captain, as if distracted, walked a little way toward the lots and then stopped. Dish walked out to greet him, followed by July, and was shocked by the change in the man. The Captain looked like an old man—he had little flesh on his face and his beard and mustache were sprinkled with gray.>>完整场景
In those hours he would lose himself in memory of other times, of other men who had lived with horses, who had broken them, ridden them, died on them. He felt proud of the boy, and with it, anguish that their beginnings had been as they had. It could not be changed, though. He thought he might speak of it sometime, as Gus had wanted him to, and yet he said nothing. He couldn’t. If he happened to be alone with the boy, his words went away. At the thought of speaking about it a tightness came into his throat, as if a hand had seized it. Anyway, what could a few words change? They couldn’t change the years.>>完整场景
A few of the men questioned the necessity, since they were the only cattle outfit in the Territory, but Call knew that would soon change. Others would come.>>完整场景
It amused her that he was so jealous of Dish, who, though friendly, companionable and an excellent hand, was not interested in her at all. His love for Lorena leaped out of every look he cast in her direction, although not one of them penetrated Lorena’s iron grief. Clara herself didn’t try to touch or change Lorena’s grief—it was like Martin’s fever: either it would kill her or it wouldn’t. Clara would not have been surprised by a gunshot if it had come from Lorena’s room. She knew the girl felt what she had felt when her boys died: unrelievable grief. In those times, the well-meaning efforts of Bob or the neighbors to cheer her up had merely affronted her. She hadn’t wanted to live, particularly not cheerfully. Kindly people told her that the living must live. I don’t, if my boys can’t, she wanted to say to them. Yet the kindly people were right; she came slowly back to enjoyment and one day would even find herself making a cake again and eating it with relish.>>完整场景
Sitting in his tent that night, he pondered the change in himself. He had let the young man override his warning and leave.>>完整场景
This time it wouldn’t be resumed, and Call found he couldn’t adjust to the change. He felt so alone that he didn’t really want to go back to the outfit. The herd and the men no longer seemed to have anything to do with him. Nothing had anything to do with him, unless it was the mare. For his part he would just as soon have ridden around Montana aloneuntil the Indians jumped him, too. It wasn’t that he even missed Gus yet all that much. Only yesterday they had talked, as they had talked for thirty years.>>完整场景
“That’ll do fine,” Dr. Mobley said. “He’ll be there, and if you change your mind about the trip, we’ll just bury him. He’ll have lots of company here. We’ve got more people in the cemetery already than we’ve got in the town.” Call didn’t like the implication. He looked at the doctor sternly. “Why would I change my mind?” he asked.>>完整场景
“I guess I am now.” “No, you’re a fighter,” Augustus said. “We should have left these damn cows down in Texas. You used them as an excuse to come up here, when you ain’t interested in them and didn’t need an excuse anyway. I think we oughta just give them to the Indians when the Indians show up.” “Give the Indians three thousand cattle?” Call said, amazed at the notions his friend had. “Why do that?” “Because then we’d be shut of them,” Augustus said. “We could follow our noses, for a change, instead of following their asses. Ain’t you bored?” “I don’t think like you do,” Call said. “They’re ours. We got ’em. I don’t plan on giving them to anybody.” “I miss Texas and I miss whiskey,” Augustus said. “Now here we are in Montana and there’s no telling what will become of us.” “Miles City’s up here somewhere,” Call said. “You can buy whiskey.” “Yes, but I’ll have to drink it indoors,” Augustus complained. “It’s cool up here.” As if to confirm his remark, the very next day an early storm blew out of the Bighorns. An icy wind came up and snow fell in the night. The men on night herd wrapped blankets around themselves to keep warm. A thin snow covered the plains in the morning, to the amazement of everyone. The Spettle boy was so astonished to wake and see it that he refused to come out of his blankets at first, afraid of what might happen. He lay wide-eyed, looking at the whiteness. Only when he saw the other hands tramping in it without ill effect did he get up.>>完整场景
“Not too much,” he said. “You’re just dead.” “Maybe it ain’t as big a change as we think,” Clara said. “Maybe you just stay around near where you lived. Near your family, or wherever you was happiest. Only you’re just a spirit, and you don’t have the troubles the living have.” A minute later she shook her head, and stood up. “I guess that’s silly,” she said, and started back to the house.>>完整场景