
n. 队;组


His small team his... Distrust of the system.>>完整场景
EXT. THE BAY - DAY A team of Sicilian fisherman are at work mending their nets.>>完整场景
A professional dance team, probably imported from Vegas, dance the tango for the excited guests.>>完整场景
EXT. TAHOE GATE AND KENNELS - DAY A confusion of cars; arriving and parking. The squad of parking attendants are supplemented by a whole team of the local Police, working as high-class parking valets.>>完整场景
AMBULANCE (SPRING 1946) One ambulance, speeding along the Grand Central Parkway, preceded and followed by a dark car, each one carrying a team of BUTTON MEN.>>完整场景
DON'S HOSPITAL (SPRING 1946) A hospital in New York City. POLICE and teams of PRIVATE DETECTIVES are stationed guarding the area. An ambulance with a team of DETECTIVES and BUTTON-MEN GUARDS exit the hospital with rifles in hand; followed by SEVERAL HOSPITAL ASSISTANTS wheeling a hospital stretcher, presumably carrying the DON.>>完整场景
One day, a team from Carl Hayden is gonna win this thing.>>完整场景
And there's never been a team quite like them.>>完整场景
We've never given an award to a high school team during the college competition before.>>完整场景
Now this award goes to a team that really surprised us.>>完整场景
Not a very promising start for this young team.>>完整场景
Let's see if that score holds up with our final team, - Carl Hayden Community High School.>>完整场景
Let's get to the first team.>>完整场景
Now, every time you hear this... A team has successfully completed a task.>>完整场景
Each team will conduct an eight-part mission with tasks worth between five and 15 points for a total of 100 points.>>完整场景
But you're a team and I wanted you to look like one.>>完整场景
It's a blow to the team.>>完整场景
Each team member will be interviewed separately to ensure that everyone knows the structural and mechanical concepts.>>完整场景
Okay, great team spirit. Okay.>>完整场景
Cannot have him on the team, sir.>>完整场景
No, I... I think my team and I have a grip on the who's who. Thank you.>>完整场景
On the day of the Afghan general elections, for which Glen had waited so patiently, Badi Bassim joined his team.>>完整场景
Sir, uh... my team and I are about to embark on a, uh... a tour of the country so that we may make an assessment to precisely understand what is required of us here.>>完整场景
She's a huge fan of France's national soccer team!>>完整场景
The grounds are immaculate and huge, exquisitely kept and beautifully laid out. A gathering is around the pool and lawn area, where TREVOR and his team are having an exhibition for their guests. Polite applause is COMING FROM THE CROWD, ALL WELL-DRESSED AND OBVIOUSLY WELL-HEELED.>>完整场景