
adj. 书面的,成文的;文字的


- In each language they were written.>>完整场景
Rafe straightens up, but the waves of sickness come back over him and he bends over again. Danny looks at his friend, and the pain is written on Danny's face.>>完整场景
How do you think I feel? It's probably gonna outsell everything I've ever written.>>完整场景
"We need erotica written by women about their sexual experiences.">>完整场景
That's got membership info, notes written by employees.>>完整场景
"The squalor of splendor" is one of my favorite poems ever written.>>完整场景
Comrades, what's done is worthy of being written down, and what is written down is worthy of being read.>>完整场景
''Gives ''youth ''to mankind.'' Pietro, read aloud what you've written there.>>完整场景
He hasn't written in over a year.>>完整场景
What's written there?>>完整场景
Needs a little flesh on the bone, but, basically, it's written.>>完整场景
It's already written. Did it last night.>>完整场景
- Already written it.>>完整场景
Could it be a trap, let's wait Fondauminta San Jiankoema 23, please Well, sir Our Address Will follow it by boat I want to snipers on the roofs and divers are on hand And if it appears before contact me Sign out . The president wants a written report Hello?>>完整场景
"Age cannot wither her. " It's like the play was written for you.>>完整场景
Where is that written? Life isn't always fair.>>完整场景
catching it again. And something terrible is written behind>>完整场景
By the time he finally rode onto the little hill with the live oaks above the Guadalupe, the sign was about gone. The Latin motto, of which Augustus had been so proud, being at the bottom, had long since been broken off. The part about the pigs was gone, and the part about what they rented and sold, and Deets’s name as well. Most of Pea Eye’s name had flaked off, and his own also. Call hoped to save the plank where Gus had written his own name, but the rope he had tied the body with had rubbed out most of the lettering. In fact, the sign was not much more than a collection of splinters, two of which Call got in his hand as he was untying Gus. Only the top of the sign, the part that said “Hat Creek Cattle Company and Livery Emporium” was still readable.>>完整场景
He regretted that he had to take Gus to the women, but felt it was part of his obligation to deliver the notes Gus had written when he was dying. The Platte was so full of ducks and geese that he heard their gabbling all day, though he rode a mile from the river.>>完整场景
Call had debated giving him the letters Gus had written to the women, but thought better of it. If Dish was lost, and probably he would be, the letters would be lost too, and they were Gus’s last words. Better to keep them and deliver them himself—though the thought didn’t cheer him.>>完整场景
“They didn’t introduce themselves, Pea,” Augustus said. “It might be written on these arrows. I’m going to be one-legged if we don’t get this other arrow out pretty soon.” No sooner had he said it than it began to rain arrows, all arching over the south bank of the creek. “Crawl in,” Augustus said. He and Pea scrunched back into the cave and stacked the saddlebags in front of them. Many of the arrows went over the creek bed entirely and into the prairie on the other side. A few stuck in the earthworks they had thrown up, and one or two fell in the water.>>完整场景
“McCrae, I’ll give you credit for having written a damn amusing sign,” he said. “I’ve laughed about that sign many a time, and laughing’s a pleasure. I’ve got two good books in my saddlebags. One’s Mister Milton and the other’s a Virgil. I want you to have them. The Virgil might improve your Latin.” “I admit it’s rusty,” Augustus said. “I’ll apply myself, and many thanks.” “To tell the truth, I can’t read it either,” Wilbarger said. “I could once, but I lost it. I just like to look at it on the page. It reminds me of the Hudson, and my schooling and all. Now and then I catch a word.” He coughed up a lot of blood and both Call and Augustus thought it was over, but it wasn’t. Wilbarger was still breathing, though faintly. Call went over and told Pea Eye and Newt to start digging the grave—he wanted to get started after the horsethieves as soon as it was light enough to track. Restless, he walked over and helped Deets keep watch.>>完整场景
“I guess it’s a free country,” the cowboy said. “Anyway, I ain’t cussing.” “I hope you can afford a stamp,” the old man said. “We don’t give credit around here.” July didn’t wait to hear the end of the argument. He could tell by the handwriting on the envelope that the letter was from Peach, not Elmira. The realization knocked his spirits down several pegs. He knew he had no reason to expect a letter from Elmira in the first place, but he was longing to see her, and the thought that she might have written had been comforting.>>完整场景
But he was forced to wait, as the old man scratched around in piles of dusty papers and looked in fifteen or twenty pigeonholes. “Dern,” the old man said. “I remember you having a letter. I hope some fool ain’t thrown it away by mistake.” Three cowboys came in, all with letters they had written to their sisters or sweethearts, and all of them had to stand there waiting while the old man continued his search. July’s heart began to sink. Probably the old man had a poor memory, and if there was a letter it was for somebody else.>>完整场景
Actually, as much as anything, July wanted to stop in Fort Worth to post her a letter he had written. It seemed to him she might be getting lonesome and would enjoy some mail. Yet the letter he composed, though he had labored over it several nights, was such a poor composition that he had debated sending it. He hesitated, for if it struck her wrong she would make fun of it. But he felt a need to write and lamented the fact that he was such a poor hand at it. The letter was very short.>>完整场景