n. 地下室;地窖
INT. BASEMENT - NIGHT The empty basement is no longer empty. It's piled with file cabinets and boxes of psychology and medical books. A desk sits in the corner next to the wine racks. The room still feels unsettling. Malcolm hunches over one of the books. Rifles through a stack of dusty books. Pulls out a thick text. The spine of the text reads, "The Meridian Latin Dictionary." Malcolm sits back at his desk and opens Cole's file. Handwritten on the first page are the words, "De profundis calms ad te, domine" Malcolm starts working through the Latin text. As he comes to each word, he jots it down underneath the Latin. Malcolm translates the last word. He stares quietly at the paper. The new words reads... "Out of the depths, I cry to you Lord." Beat.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script- INT. BASEMENT - EVENING A NAKED LIGHTBULB SPARKS TO LIFE. It dangles from the ceiling of a basement. LIGHT, QUICK FOOTSTEPS AS ANNA CROWE moves down the stairs. Anna is the rare combination of beauty and innocence. She stands in the cummy basement in an elegant summer dress that outlines her slender body. Her gentle eyes move across the empty room and come to rest on a rack of wine bottles covering one entire wall. She walks to the bottles. Her fingertips slide over the labels. She stops when she finds just the right one. A tiny smile as she slides it out. Anna turns to leave. Stops. She stares at the shadowy basement. It's an unsettling place. She stands very still and watches her breath form a TINY CLOUD IN THE COLD AIR. She's visibly uncomfortable. Anna Crowe moves for the staircase in a hurry. Each step faster than the next. She climbs out of the basement in another burst of LIGHT, QUICK FOOTSTEPS. WE HEAR HER HIT THE LIGHT SWITCH. THE LIGHTBULB DIES. DRIPPING BLACK DEVOURS THE ROOM.>> The Sixth Sense 灵异第六感 Movie Script