
vt. (无线电或电视)广播;播撒(种子);播送,播放


Can't you see us, the two of us, sitting together in Chinese dressing gowns, listening to the radio broadcast from Rome?>>完整场景
...For me the answer to can But people who live anywhere else ! Always be insecure and dispersed to die But this place deserves to die for it "Taste" We broadcast directly . Yes, Sit What's happening?>>完整场景
"Everything you type is being broadcast live all over the world.">>完整场景
The second we point the satellites at the Hab... I broadcast pictures of Mark Watney's dead body to the world.>>完整场景
Later on in this broadcast, we will try to get Mr Tatum to this microphone.>>完整场景
We should give a signal to tell them when it was broadcast.>>完整场景
BBC NEWS READER: This concludes the BBC broadcast of the King's Speech.>>完整场景
Soon he must broadcast to the world. Hitler will be listening. David will be listening.>>完整场景
COSMO LANG: Something...discreet...private. We could pre-record an edited version to be broadcast to the world. Or even find an actor with a similar voice.>>完整场景
64 EXT. MONTAGE OF BRITISH STREETS - DAY 64 It is December 11th, 1936. If practical use the actual recorded broadcast (truncated). In London, Birmingham, Edinburgh, country hamlets and cathedral towns...the streets are deserted.>>完整场景
I'm a print and broadcast journalist in Newport, Tennessee.>>完整场景
The next transformative development? A picture sharing application. A place where you view pictures that coincide with your social life. It is the true... digitalization of real life. You don't just go to a party anymore, you go to a party with your digital camera and your friends relive the party on Facebook. And tagging. The idea that you could tag anyone you wanted in those pictures so that people could find themselves. Then a digital log of every change in a person's life, broadcast to all their friends instantaneously.>>完整场景
A simultaneous broadcast of Falcon Crest, Magnum P.I., and Charlie’s>>完整场景
87. The news about the broadened breadth is broadcast abroad.>>完整场景
87. 宽度加宽的消息被广播到国外。
We heard the emergency broadcast, we brought some bombs.>>完整场景
Don't broadcast it all over town.>>完整场景
And so, family and friends of Malcolm Kaiser... sadly come and go into the night... even as phantom DJ Hard Harry... prepares to broadcast anonymously from somewhere... in this formerly peaceful community.>>完整场景
We have continued to broadcast our surrender and a plea for mercy.>>完整场景
Communications, stand by to broadcast distress signal, but not till I give the order.>>完整场景
Can't beIieve it. Hardened cops dancing in the street... and broadcast on the 11 o'cIock news.>>完整场景
Blue Co-pilot and Yellow Co-pilot COUNT DOWN in unison – BLUE CO-PILOT (over radio) Five, four, three, two, one, go... Blue truck, behind the convoy, GUNS THE ACCELERATOR, as yellow truck, in front of the convoy, SLAMS ON THE BRAKES... The two SUVS are ACCORDIONED against the nuclear truck, then CARRIED FORWARD WITH THE NUCLEAR TRUCK as the coloured trucks CLOSE FORMATION and PULL FORWARD, maintaining pace – Go yellow! BLUE CO-PILOT (CONT'D) The YELLOW CO-PILOT in the broadcast truck sends out STATIC – INT./EXT. SECURITY SUV – CONTINUOUS The SECURITY DRIVER is trying the radio – STATIC... INT. CONTROL CENTRE, TALLINN POLICE – CONTINUOUS A POLICE OPERATOR is frowning, trying the radio. He calls to his SUPERVISOR –>>完整场景
microphone. He works up his courage, then flicks all the toggles to "on." A SQUEAL OF FEEDBACK echoes briefly... 134 INT/EXT -- VARIOUS P.A. SPEAKERS -- DAY (1955) 134 ...and the Mozart is suddenly broadcast all over the prison.>>完整场景

.ق� يتنا النبيلة قد بدأت (Our noble crusade has begun.) The soldier stomps Al-Fulani in the face, the player's vision blacks out. As Al-Fulani's vision comes to, two soldiers each take one of Al-Fulani's arms and lead him down the long hallway into the arena where Imran Zakhaev awaits. The soldiers hold Al-Fulani in front of Zakhaev, who looks at him. He then nods and backs off. The soldiers begin to lead him towards a bloody, wooden stake in the middle of the arena. OpFor soldiers are gathered all around the courtyard, cheering from both floors of the surrounding building. Al-Asad is nearby, talking into a camera being used to broadcast his speech.