
adj. 任意的;胡乱的;随机的


moving through the low trees. We recognize it as the back of a spinosaurus. We might think it's any random spinosaurus, except for the RINGING coming from somewhere inside it.>>完整场景
But, he no longer wanted to make random donations.>>完整场景
It's looks like they are on a random system, but they are not.>>完整场景
Unfortunately for Troop 417, during the ADAA-required random drug screening, one of your player's urine tested positive for three separate types of anabolic steroids, and a low-grade beaver tranquilliser.>>完整场景
The guy's slippery and he's getting better. Doing bigger and bigger criminals. He's changing his M.O., using a random pattern so we can't catch him. And he's been working on his disguise. It's... TRANSFORMING.>>完整场景
So that's a random dirty bra?>>完整场景
86 2ND TIER 86 Norton arrives, makes a thin show of picking a cell at random.>>完整场景
Word travels fast from cell to cell. Cons scramble to tidy up and hide things. Norton enters, nods to his men. The guards pair off in all directions, making their choices at random.>>完整场景
Random Access Brain Impulse Triggers. Memories.>>完整场景
Honestly, I don't understand why people have such a hard time coming up to a stranger and talking to them. I've traveled to a lot of my countries in my 17 years of living, but I've never come across someone in any place who seemed freaked out when I went and striked a random conversation with them, whether it's in an airplane, or in a grocery store. I think people should really simplify their view a bit more on this whole thing. For me, if I feel a positive vibe off the person, I will instantly want to befriend or get to know them. Then its just a matter of walking up and saying hi, honestly complimenting them on something, and bingo. New friend gained. :)>>完整场景