
n. 身体;主体;团体;主要部分;大量


Still your body swam three times around your ship and climbed back on board.
>> Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪 Movie Script
- [Narrator] Ensign Weedan's body was never found.
>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script
- [Narrator] After the recovery of more than 200 bodies, the Navy is forced to stop the retrieval effort because of increasingly dangerous conditions.
>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script
No body around close to them.
>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script
- [Narrator] After the fire subsides, Seaman Sterling Cale is assigned to lead a group of 10 sailors to recover bodies from the wreckage.
>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script
- [Narrator] The blazing fire reaches Stratton, high up in the gun director, burning 70 percent of his body.
>> Pearl Harbor: Into The Arizona 珍珠港:亚利桑那号探秘(2016) Movie Script
The mess hall has been converted to a silent morgue, with bodies on every table.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
EXT. PEARL HARBOR - DAY We see rows of bodies outside the hospital where Evelyn works.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
OVER THIS, we see the bombing, the aftermath, the bodies being fished from the oil-soaked harbor.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
It looks hopeless to find a single sailor here; but then they see a powerful black sailor, pulling to the dock with a dinghy full of dead men retrieved from the water. As workers unload the bodies, the black sailor sits down, exhausted physically and emotionally, his head in his hands. Rafe and Danny approach him.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
INT. HOSPITAL - PEARL HARBOR - NIGHT Rafe and Danny enter. It's a scene from hell. Doctors are doing amputations in the hallway. The once-pristine hospital is now all red, with blood dripping through the mattresses, onto the floor... In the main ward, Evelyn and the other nurses are using the fly sprayers to spritz cooling antiseptic on the charred bodies. Evelyn looks up and sees both Rafe and Danny. Her eyes register relief, but they are the only part of her that can show emotion now; the rest of her is covered in blood.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
He's crawling around toward the bushes; his legs are shattered, but he's spotted a body. He reaches it, turns it over -- and it's headless.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
EXT. PEARL HARBOR - AFTERMATH - DAY The harbor is a place of shattered bodies and shattered ships. Blood, body parts, debris everywhere, and all of it made more hellish by the oil fires on the water and the choking black smoke those fires produce.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
She steadies herself as the next body comes through, a woman on a stretcher, her stomach shot open, pale hands clutching at the open wound. Evelyn feels for a pulse.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
Critical -- front ward!... Give him morphine, he can't wait... The next body through is a pilot, wings on his uniform, his chest riddled with bullets -- and his face shot off. For a moment Evelyn falters, then she forces herself to check the dog tags... It isn't Rafe or Danny. Evelyn sags in guilty relief.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
The concussion of the explosion blows men off the repair ship Vestal, next to the Arizona, saving Vestal, as the explosion snuffs out the fires on Vestal; it also sends tons of debris down on her decks -- parts of the ship, legs, arms and heads of men, all sorts of bodies.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
Men in the water swim toward a medical launch carrying wounded away from the wreckage. A bomb hits the launch and blows body parts everywhere.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
They're running toward a cluster of fighters, when it goes up with a bomb blast. Rafe and Danny dive at each other; their first instinct is to cover their best friend with their own bodies.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
Billy falls, legless but still alive; then a bomb falls almost on top of him, sending body parts over the pilots.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
EXT. DECK OF THE WEST VIRGINIA - DAY Dorie emerges into even greater carnage and confusion. A sailor, his body on fire, runs past and leaps into the oily water -- but it is in flames too.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
Hands grab Rafe and drag him onto the dinghy... In a QUICK CUT, Rafe's body is laid out on the deck of the trawler. The crewmen think he's dead. His body is stiff, his lips white; and they say so, in Norwegian... But one of the other crewmen notices a quiver in his eyelid, then quickly covers Rafe with his on wool peacoat and presses back an eyelid to see his pupils. Rafe's white lips move.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
Then in another CUT we see him after he's been in the water for so long that his body no longer trembles; he's lost consciousness. He has no strength, no will to live... His face settles into the water...his body slips from his preserver, and drifts beneath the surface... EVELYN'S VOICE ...gather it's heat into my heart, and send it to you... IN FLASHBACK, Rafe beneath the surface... His eyes come open.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
Then, in a CUT, he is floating in the water, his pants turned into a makeshift life preserver, his body shaking convulsively from the cold.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
SUBLIMINAL FLASHBACKS -- Below the surface of the North Sea, Rafe's body drifts, but he fights his way back up...he kicks off his shoes, sheds the jacket, strips off his pants and starts tying the cuffs into knots.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
SUBLIMINAL FLASHBACK...RAFE LANDS IN THE WATER, and the shock of its coldness travels up his body faster than his body sinks into the water. He's cloaked in the fog; his parachute, pushed by the wind, is pulling him along face down. He fights with the straps, flips himself over, and pulls the release... But he's still in desperate trouble; in his flying clothes, his heavy leather jacket soaking with sea-water, he's going down; his body sinks beneath the surface... EVELYN'S VOICE ...Every sunset... IN THE PRESENT, Rafe's chest trembles... Is it from the memory of the frozen water, from the emotion of seeing Evelyn again -- or both?
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script