
n. 身体;主体;团体;主要部分;大量


- Willy was Glen's body man.>>完整场景
It's a jet-propelled body board!>>完整场景
ANGLE ON DREW: Holding up the heavy stone panel with his arm, his face and body completely relaxed.>>完整场景
FLASHBACK TO UNBENDABLE ARM SEQUENCE ANGLE ON DREW: As he relaxes his face, and forcibly relaxes his arm and entire body, letting his inner energy take over.>>完整场景
His body moves with the wind, bending and swaying. Another monk is attacking him with a hard style, and the soft style is very effective.>>完整场景
Just then, the door starts to open. Everyone freezes and looks toward the door, including Gao. Drew, meanwhile, has the presence of mind to jump onto the boom box, shutting it off and hiding it with his body.>>完整场景
The monk continues walking until he walks right in front of the disciples. His face and body are covered with bruises and welts. The two other monks don't say a word, their faces grim.>>完整场景
D.S. Bodhidharma, the patriarch of the Shaolin Temple taught us that to train the mind, we first have to train the body.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON DREW: As he continues to move around the workout area, his arms and body moving as he tries to match the movements on the TV.>>完整场景
Without conflict, gained wisdom from every inch of his body.>>完整场景
You'll only receive his body, you won't receive his heart.>>完整场景
Jinghai, receive the body.>>完整场景
People, you've come a long way... to a foreign place You should co-operate and take care of each other Po Chi Lam was opened for this reason I don't hope for good business, that'll require you being ill This is not what I hope for Instead, I hope that... The American Po Chi Lam would become your club house when you have time, you can have tea, chat, and practice Kung-fu here Build up a strong body And come in line with Po Chi Lam's spirit Hand in hand we copy foreigners' merits and compensate our short-comings And shine for the Chinese people That's all Come in! Refreshment time!>>完整场景
We understand now People, I thank you all for your concern I have something to say You came a long way... to a foreign place, Po Chi Lam was opened for this reason "When they leave home, goods are worth more and people are worth less" And you should know who you are I don't hope for good business, that'll require you being ill Rather I hope Po Chi Lam help you achieve good health, build up a strong body Copy the merits of foreigners and compensate our short-comings And shine for the Chinese people Simply put, you must remember who you are Today, I would like to stop here, thank you for listening Master Wong, that was a great speech You're too kind... Let's go... Sir, take the money, it was hard-earned Master Wong, no more speech please Bye! Bye!>>完整场景
I'm good, I'm good... I really envy you guys At least you know where is your root I don't even know where I come from The sunshine's beautiful on this land but the sunshine is more beautiful on our land But, we were forced to leave our home You don't understand a bit of what I'm saying That's fine, at least you are lucky Unlike me, I keep thinking where I should be heading I know, someday I shall return to my land, to my home For bleeding for our tribe Thank you From now on, verbal communication is not necessary Body language is much better, right?>>完整场景
His body is as bright ivory.>>完整场景
And now, slowly, Westley begins to move. His body turns, his feet go to the floor, he starts to stand -->>完整场景
The body?>>完整场景
Well, we Montoyas have never taken defeat easily. Come along, Fezzik. Bring the body.>>完整场景
BUTTERCUP IN HER ROOM and she hears the SOUND, doesn't know what it is, but her arms involuntarily go around her body to try to control the trembling, and the scream, still builds and -->>完整场景
THE RAVINE FLOOR TWO BODIES lie a few feet apart, not moving. It is, of course, Buttercup and Westley. They might be corpses. After a time, Westley slowly forces his body into motion and as he does,>>完整场景
CAMERA PULLS BACK TO REVEAL the Prince kneeling by the body as the others ride up. The Prince grabs the empty poison packet, hands it to Rugen, after first sniffing it himself.>>完整场景
VIZZINI'S BODY The picnic is spread as before.>>完整场景
as he charges toward a huge rock that lines the path, and just as he reaches it he spins his giant body so that the entire weight of the charge is taken by the Man In Black.>>完整场景
straining, forcing his body away from the cliff edge and -->>完整场景