
n. 数据库,资料库


Only make the search in the database - (What makes you think that he (Pierce - Make the Find "Osalny Interpol in" Italy I have a strange feeling that two people ! Who are watching us in the back Do you know what?>>完整场景
If you can run your application in a single process, SQLite is the best possible database engine you can use.>>完整场景
YOU GOT TO WALK INTO TOWN TO FIND A JOB (WHAT'S A. JOB?) TRYIN' TO KEEP YOUR HANDS WARM WHEN THE HOLE IN YOUR SHOE LETS THE SNOW CONE THROUGH AND CHILLS YOU TO THE BONE NOW YOU BETTER GO HOME WHERE IT'S WARM Over this we HEAR MARK's blog posts starting to cascade into ONE ANOTHER-- MARK (V.0) Lowell has some security. They require a username/password combo and I'm going to go ahead and say they don't have access to main faa user database, so they have no way of--• 14, MARK (V.O.) (CONT'D) Adams has no security but limits the RESULTS TO-- MARK (V.O.) (CONT'D) For Quincy I'm going to have to get a matching name and student I.D. combo and I'm in. All I have to-->>完整场景
03 AM MARK (V.0.) Next is Elliot. They're also open but with no indexes on Apache. I can run an empty search and it returns all of the images in the database in a single page.>>完整场景