
adj. 不安的;不舒服的


Lambeau has obviously never been here before. He takes in the surroundings, somewhat uncomfortable. Gets dirty.
>> Good Will Hunting (1997)Movie Script
Yeah, yeah, besides uncomfortable chairs.
>> 不一样的本能 Phenomenon (1996)Movie Script
Ah, thank you, daughter. [Nebula looks down, a little uncomfortable.] Perhaps I treated you too harshly.
>> Avengers: Endgame 复仇者联盟4:终局之战 Movie Script
I'm sorry, was that uncomfortable, Sarah?
>> 刺猬索尼克 1996 Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Script
Drew looks at Gao, and Gao looks at Drew. There is a pause, one that is very uncomfortable. Finally, Drew speaks.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
It was at first. I was uncomfortable, in pain, actually, but as time went on, I got... into it, I guess. The sacrifice made me feel... in control, you know what I mean?
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
ANGLE ON DREW SHIVERING IN THE DEAD OF NIGHT His eyes are closed, and it is obvious he is very uncomfortable.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
And she is gone. There's an uncomfortable silence, then... GRANDFATHER: I brought you a special present.
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
“Tastes fine,” he said, but Clara looked annoyed, or scornful, or somehow displeased. He could never tell what her looks meant—all he registered was how uncomfortable they made him.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
July now lived in a little room attached to the saddle shed. It wouldn’t do when winter came, but for summer it was all right. He had never felt comfortable in the house with Clara and the girls, and since Lorena had come he felt even more uncomfortable. Lorena seldom spoke to him, and Clara mainly discussed horses, or other ranch problems, yet he felt nervous in their company. Day to day, he felt it was wrong to have taken the job with Clara. Sometimes he felt a strong longing to be back in his old job in Fort Smith, even if Roscoe was no longer alive to be his deputy.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
It struck her that endings were never as you would expect them to be. She had thought she would be relieved when Bob finally died. She hadn’t felt he was part of their life anymore, and yet, now that he was gone, she knew he had been. A silent part, an uncomfortable part, but still there, still her husband, still the girls’ father. He had been changed, but not removed.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, time’s changed us,” he said, feeling very uneasy in the conversation. Lorena was looking at him solemnly. He had had women look at him solemnly before and it always made him uncomfortable—it meant they were primed to detect any lies.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
There was no shade on the bluff. He covered his face with his hat and lay back against his saddle, sweating, and ashamed of his own carelessness. He grew delirious and in his delirium would have long talks with Roscoe. He could see Roscoe’s face as plain as day. Roscoe didn’t seem to blame him for the fact that he was dead. If he himself was soon going to be dead, too, it might not matter so much. July didn’t die. His leg felt terrible, though. In the night came a rainstorm and he could do nothing but huddle under his saddle blanket. His teeth began to chatter and he couldn’t stop them. He almost wished he could go on and die, it was so uncomfortable. But in the morning the sun was hot, he soon dried out. He felt weak, but he didn’t feel as if he were dying. Mainly he had to avoid looking at his leg. It looked so bad he didn’t know what to think. If a doctor saw it he could probably just cut it off and be done with it. When he tried to bend it even a little, a terrible pain shot through him—yet he had to get down to the river or else die of thirst, even though it had just rained.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Don’t know about that, she’s married to a sheriff,” Luke said. He felt uncomfortable in the house after so many days outside, and soon went out again to sit on the wagon with Zwey. He happened to look up and see two young girls peering at him from an open window. He wondered where the man was, for surely the good-looking woman he had talked to couldn’t be married to the old Mexican.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Jake drank liberally, for he felt uncomfortable. He had not meant to slip into such rough company and was worried, for now that he had slipped in, he could see that it wasn’t going to be any too easy to slip back out. After all, he had heard them discuss killing a whole crew of cowboys, calculating the killings as casually as they might pick ticks off a dog. He had been in much questionable company in his life, but the Suggs brothers weren’t questionable. They were just hard.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Roy and Ed almost got into a gunfight over a hand of cards. He offered to get them whores, for he had stayed friendly with several of the girls who had come over from Fort Worth, but the Suggs brothers weren’t interested. Drinking and card playing appealed to them more.Had it not been for the threat of July Johnson somewhere around, he would have let the Suggs brothers head for Kansas without him. He was comfortable where he was, and had no appetite for hard riding and gunfighting. But Dallas wasn’t far from Fort Smith, and July Johnson might arrive any time. That was an uncomfortable thought, so uncomfortable that three days later Jake found himself riding north with the three Suggs boys and a tall black man they called Frog Lip. Jake equipped himself with a new rifle before they left. He had made the Suggs brothers no promises, and as soon as he found a nice saloon in Kansas, he meant to let them go their way.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The rain increased until it seemed to Roscoe it was raining as hard as it could possibly rain. He didn’t try to seek shelter, for there was none. It was uncomfortable to be so soaked, but since the water was probably all that was keeping him from being murdered by the little man with the mean eyes, it was silly to complain. Roscoe just sat, hoping that the little creek that filled the gully wouldn’t rise enough to drown him.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
But no matter how uncomfortable the nights, the sky usually cleared in the morning. She liked to sit on the blankets and feel the sun getting warmer. She watched her arms getting slowly tanned and felt that a life of travel was what she was meant for. Her mare had gotten used to the travel too and no longer looked back toward Lonesome Dove.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, I’ve been a deputy sheriff for a good spell,” Roscoe said. “I keep the jail.” Louisa was watching him closely in a way that made him a little uncomfortable. The only light in the cabin came from a small coal-oil lamp on the table. A few small bugs buzzed around the lamp, their movements casting shadows on the table. The corn bread was so dry that Roscoe kept having to dip dipperfuls of water to wash it down.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Deets was just as glad to see him leave, for the young man’s restlessness made him an uncomfortable companion. It was not a restlessness other men could talk to—only a woman could cure it.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Mention of Mary Cole made Pea Eye very uncomfortable. From time to time, throughout his life, it had been pointed out to him that he might marry—Gus McCrae was very fond of pointing it out, in fact.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Where’d you get a sister, Dish?” he asked. Pea’s mode of living was modeled on the Captain’s. He barely went in the Dry Bean twice a year, preferring to wet his whistle on the front porch, where he would be assured of a short walk to bed if it got too wet. When he saw a woman it made him uncomfortable; the danger of deviating from proper behavior was too great. Generally when he spotted a female in his vicinity he took the modest way and kept his eyes on the ground.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, it ain’t a holiday,” Call said. “Work to do. Me and Deets will go see if we can help them boys.” “That Newt surprised me,” Jake said. “I had it in mind he was still a spud. Is Maggie still here?” “Maggie’s been dead nine years,” Augustus said. “You wasn’t hardly over the hill when it happened.” “I swear,” Jake said. “You mean you’ve had little Newt for nine years?” There was a long silence, in which only Augustus felt comfortable. Deets felt so uncomfortable that he stepped in front of the Captain and went out the door.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Listening to women ain’t the fashion in this part of the country. But I expect you got a life story like everybody else. If you’d like to tell it, I’m the one that’d like to hear it.” Lorena thought that over. Gus didn’t seem uncomfortable. He just set there, twirling his rowel.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“He heads for the river because he’s tired of hearing us yap,” he said. “He ain’t a sociable man and never was. You could never keep him in camp, once he had his grub. He’d rather sit off in the dark and prime his gun. I doubt he’d find an Indian if one was out there.” “He used to find them,” Pea said. “He found that big gang of them up by Fort Phantom Hill.” “’I god, Pea,” Augustus said. “Of course he found a few here and there. They used to be thicker than grass burrs, if you remember. I’ll guarantee he won’t scratch up none tonight. Call’s got to be the one to out-suffer everybody, that’s the pint. I won’t say he’s a man to hunt glory like some I’ve knowed. Glory don’t interest Call. He’s just got to do his duty nine times over or he don’t sleep good.” There was a pause. Pea Eye had always been uncomfortable with Gus’s criticisms of the Captain, without having any idea how to answer them. If he came back at all he usually just adopted one of the Captain’s own remarks.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇