
adj. 和平的,爱好和平的;平静的


This is the night It's a beautiful night And they call it bella notte Look at the skies They have stars in their eyes On this lovely bella notte So take the love Of your loved one You'll need it about this time To keep from falling like a star When you make that dizzy climb For this is the night And the heavens are right On this lovely Bella notte On this lovely Bella notte Silent as a snowflake in the night Holy is the spirit of this night All the world is calm and peaceful All the world is bright and joyful Spirit of love And child of peace Love unending That shall not cease Peace, my children Of good will Peace, my children Peace, be still It's for you, darling.
>> Lady and the Tramp 小姐与流氓 1955 Movie Script
Since the time of our legendary ancestor, Genghis Khan, hordes of foreign invaders have tried to conquer this land and put an end to our peaceful way of life.
>> Nomad: The Warrior 游牧战士 Movie Script
He spins the plane in an easy half turn, inverting their heads above Pearl Harbor, gorgeous in the moonlight, the battleships aglow, the moon reflected in the peaceful water, embraced by the island of Oahu.
>> Pearl Harbor 珍珠港(2001) Movie Script
What a nice, peaceful night.
>> 刺猬索尼克 1996 Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Script
This is the most peaceful solution.
>> 新少林寺 Shaolin (2011)Movie Script
“They seldom drag their womenfolk into battle,” Call said. “Probably Crow. I’m told the Crow are peaceful.” “Did you find Gus?” Dish asked. “Pea can’t talk about nothing else.” “I found him. He’s dead,” Call said.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Up north, Captain,” Pea Eye said. “We dug a cave in a riverbank. That’s all I know.” “But he wasn’t dead when you left him?” “No, he sent me off,” Pea said. “He said he wanted you to lope on up there and help him with those Indians.” Dish Boggett could not adjust to the fact that Pea Eye was naked and all scarred up. They had had such a peaceful time of it that he had lost the sense that they were in dangerous country.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“I ’spect they’d catch me if I tried that,” Pea said. “Maybe the Captain will figure out that we’re in trouble and hurry on up here.” “He won’t miss us for another week,” Augustus said. “I don’t fancy squatting here by this creek for a week.” A few minutes later they heard a loud, strange cry from the east. It was an Indian war cry. Another came from the west, and several from the far bank of the river. The evening would be still and peaceful for a few minutes and then the war cries would start again. Pea had never approved of the way Indians yelled when they fought—it upset his nerves. This yelling was no exception. Some of the cries were so piercing that he wanted to hold his ears.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He contemplated leaving the men and going on a long look around himself, north of Yellowstone, but decided against it, mainly because of Indians. Things looked peaceful, but that didn’t mean they would stay peaceful. There could easily be a bad fight, and he didn’t want to be gone if one came.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, it was tame, that’s why,” Augustus said. “I didn’t want to be a doctor or a lawyer, and there wasn’t nothing else to do in those parts. I’d rather go outlaw than be a doctor or a lawyer.” The next day, as they were trailing along a little stream that branched off Crazy Woman Creek, Dish Boggett’s horse suddenly threw up its head and bolted. Dish was surprised and embarrassed. It had been a peaceful morning, and he was half asleep when he discovered he was in a runaway, headed back for the wagon. He sawed on the reins with all his might but the bit seemed to make no difference to the horse.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Trotting back into camp one morning he saw there was excitement around the cook fire. Several of the men were holding rifles. The sight surprised him, for it had seemed a peaceful night.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, he’s mighty fond of that horse,” he said. “And she might kill him yet.” “She ain’t gonna kill the Captain,” Deets said. He had the sad sense that things were not right. It seemed they were going to go north forever, and he couldn’t think why. Life had been orderly and peaceful in Texas. He himself had particularly enjoyed his periodic trips to San Antonio to deposit money. Texas had always been their country, and it was a puzzle to him why they were going to a country that would probably be so wild there wouldn’t even be banks to take money to.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“He only liked pacers,” Newt said. “He wouldn’t be bothered to steal horses as long as he had one to ride. Just beingalong didn’t make him a horsethief.” “It do to the Captain,” Deets said. “It do to Mr. Gus.” “They didn’t even talk to him,” Newt said bitterly. “They just hung him. They didn’t even act like they were sorry.” “They sorry,” Deets said. “Saying won’t change it. He’s gone, don’t worry about him. He’s gone to the peaceful place.” He put his hand for a moment on Newt’s shoulder. “You need to rest your mind,” he said. “Don’t worry about the sleepers.” How do you stop? Newt wondered. It wasn’t a thing he could forget, Pea Eye mentioned it as he would mention the weather, something natural that just happened and was over. Only for Newt it wasn’t over. Every day it would rise in his mind and stay there until something distracted him.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Dish saddled a little before sunup and rode out to look at the herd, which was perfectly peaceful. Then he went to the wagon, ignoring Jasper and Soupy, who were as insolent as ever. He wanted to teach them both a lesson, but couldn’t afford the time. The herd had to be set moving, and somebody would have to hold the point. It was a ticklish problem, for he couldn’t hold the point and help Lorie too. He fixed a plate for Lorena and just grabbed a hunk of bacon for himself.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Not today,” Augustus said. “Today she’s feeling sulky. If I was you I’d sing to her.” “Sing to Lorie?” Dish said, incredulous. “Why, I’d be so scared I’d choke.” “Well, if you require timid women there’s not much I can do for you,” Augustus said. “Just keep a good guard at night andsee she don’t get kidnapped.” Call hated to leave the herd, and most of the cowboys hated it that he was leaving. Though it was midsummer, the skies clear, and the plains seemingly peaceful, most of the hands looked worried as the little group prepared to leave. They sat around worrying, all but Po Campo, who was singing quietly in his raspy voice as he made supper. Even Lippy was unnerved. He was modest in some matters and had just returned from walking a mile, in order to relieve his bowels in private.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Deets looked at him. “He’s real polite, that gentleman,” he said. “I guess he thinks he might be dead before you get there.” “Oh, I see—the man don’t want to put nobody out,” Augustus said. “I’ll go anyway. I admire his conversation.” “Change horses,” Call said to Deets, and Deets loped off. He was trying to decide who they ought to take, and finally decided just to take Pea Eye, Deets and the boy. The boy could watch the horses, if there was trouble. It meant leaving the herd, but there was no help for it. There was good grazing and the herd looked peaceful. Dish and the rest of the crew ought to be about to handle it.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“He can afford them big horses,” Roy pointed out. “Maybe he’s got money.’” Dan had been about to ride past, and Jake hoped he would. He still hoped they’d hit Dodge before the Suggs boys did any regulating. He might get free of them in Dodge. Two accidents wouldn’t necessarily brand him for life, but if he traveled much farther with a gun outfit like the Suggses, he couldn’t expect a peaceful old age—or any old age, probably.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He walked all day, hoping to cross a creek but finding none. He had a half canteen of water—not enough to get him back to the Cimarron. And he had nothing to eat. He made a dry camp and sat all night on his blanket, so wakeful he thought he would never sleep again. He sat for hours, watching the moon climb high amid the bright stars. He remembered the cold nights in their Arkansas cabin when he was a boy—how his mother piled quilts on top of him and his brothers, how peaceful it seemed under the quilts. Then it seemed like sleep was one of the most wonderful things in life.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
July found them an hour later, already stiff in death. He had raced as fast as he could over the rough country, not wanting to take the time to follow the river itself but too unsure of his position to go very far from it. From time to time he stopped, listening for shots, but the dark plains were quiet and peaceful, though it was on them that he had just seen the most violent and terrible things he had ever witnessed in his life. The only sound he heard was the wind singing over the empty miles of grass; in the spring night the wind sang gently.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
But it was such a beautiful, peaceful night, the moon new and high, that Newt decided to chance it. Lorena might already be asleep, it was so peaceful. On such a night it would be little risk to tie Mouse for a few hours. He looped his rein over a tree limb and went walking back toward Lorena’s. He stopped at a little stand of live oak about a hundred yards from the camp, sat down with his back against a tree and drew his pistol. Just holding it made him feel ready for anything.Resting with his back against the tree, Newt let himself drift back into the old familiar daydreams in which he got better and better as a cowboy until even the Captain had to recognize that he was a top hand. His prowess was not lost on Lorena, either. He didn’t exactly dream that they got married, but she did ask him to get off his horse and talk for a while.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Deets shook his head. “Don’t think so, Captain,” he said. “We better watch the horses.” “Dern,” Call said. “I thought we might have a peaceful night for once.” “Full moon coming,” Deets said. “We can spot him if he bothers us tonight.” They sat together and watched the moon rise. Soon it shed a pale, cool light over the bed-grounds. The Texas bull began to low. He was across the herd, in the shadows, but in the still air his lowing carried far across the little valley, echoing off the limestone bluffs to the west.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
It was strange, Newt thought, that one river could be so peaceful and another suddenly boil up with snakes and kill Sean.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“If he wears that he’ll probably ride off a cliff,” July said, although it was true the boy needed a hat.“He can tie it on with some string,” Roscoe said. “It’ll keep that dern sun out of his eyes.” Now that they were ready, July felt strangely unwilling to leave. It was getting good light—far down the street they could see the river shining, and beyond it a faint glow of red on the horizon. In its awakening hour the town seemed peaceful, lovely, calm. A rooster began to crow.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“It’s odd I partnered with a man like you, Call,” Augustus said. “If we was to meet now instead of when we did, I doubt we’d have two words to say to one another.” “I wish it could happen, then, if it would hold you to two words,” Call said. Though everything seemed peaceful, he had an odd, confused feeling at the thought of what they had undertaken. He had quickly convinced himself it was necessary, this drive. Fighting the Indians had been necessary, if Texas was to be settled. Protecting the border was necessary, else the Mexicans would have taken south Texas back.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Ain’t you even sorry to leave this place, now that we’ve made it so peaceful?” Augustus asked.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇