
n. 优雅;恩惠;慈悲;魅力


Mr Corleone. Hi. Grace Hamilton.>>完整场景
Hail Mary, full of grace blessed art Thou amongst women and blessed is the fruit of Thy womb, Jesus.>>完整场景
He was born with the grace of true nobility.>>完整场景
On it goes, back and forth across the rocky terrain, Inigo's feet moving with the grace and speed of a great improvisational dancer.>>完整场景
Unless the enemy has studied his Agrippa- And now, with the grace of an Olympian, Inigo flies off the perch, somersaults clean over the Man In Black's head, and lands facing his opponent.>>完整场景
Looking at Dish, so tight with his need for Lorena, whom he would probably never have, Augustus remembered his own love for Clara Allen—it had pained him and pleased him at once. As a young woman Clara had such grace that just looking at her could choke a man; then, she was always laughing, though her life had not been the easiest. Despite her cheerful eyes, Clara was prone to sudden angers, and sadnesses so deep that nothing he could say or do would prompt her to answer him, or even to look at him. When she left to marry her horse trader, he felt that he had missed the great opportunity of his life; for all their fun together he had not quite been able to touch her, either in her happiness or her sadness. It wasn’t because of his wife, either—it was because Clara had chosen the angle of their relation. She loved him in certain ways, wanted him for certain purposes, and all his straining, his tricks, his looks and his experience could not induce her to alter the angle.>>完整场景
Tonight, I, Angel Dupree, photographer for the N. Y. Post, - - had the chance to study grace and generosity in dire circumstances.>>完整场景
ELIZABETH: Mr. Prime Minister, Your Grace, how kind of you to join us.>>完整场景
COSMO LANG (O.S.) I was much moved WINSTON CHURCHILL (O.S.) There were tears in my eyes too, Your Grace, particularly when I saw you and the Dean of Westminster cannoning into each other.>>完整场景
Those are my wishes, Your Grace.>>完整场景
WINSTON CHURCHILL I'd not appreciated Your Grace was so well versed concerning things testicular!>>完整场景
WINSTON CHURCHILL If anyone should know, it would be Your Grace.>>完整场景
WINSTON CHURCHILL (O.C.) A bad omen, Your Grace?>>完整场景
His Grace can be a persistent enemy. We need friends.>>完整场景
EDWARD (V.O.) There are some fish that cannot be caught. It’s not that they’re fasteror stronger than other fish. They’rejust touched by something extra. Call it luck. Call it grace. One such fish was The Beast.>>完整场景
I will say grace.>>完整场景
We say grace?>>完整场景
... I touched him... 57 EXT. CEMETERY - DAY 57 A bagpiper plays "Amazing Grace." REVEAL Gordy holding Matt's small coffin as Anne's islowered into the ground. Gordy's men are around him, along with many other NYFD personnel, family and friends.>>完整场景
STEVE knows he has to release the missile - but he can’t do it. Perhaps he is also waiting for that miracle, an angel, the grace of God, anything... But he is getting no help.>>完整场景
(a whisper, a prayer) If we can hold a few more moments and allow the grace of God - perhaps the grace of God - to intervene.>>完整场景
First you put your two knees close up tight Then you swing 'em to the left and you swing 'em to the right You step around the door kind of nice and tight And then you twist around and twist around with all of your might Spread your loving arms way out in space Then you do the eagle rock with style and grace Put your foot way out and bring it back And that's what I call Battin' the Jack Very good. Very good.>>完整场景
Grace, give me a Stinger.>>完整场景
Renown and grace is dead.>>完整场景
My noble partner you greet with present grace and great prediction of noble having and of royal hope that he seems rapt withal.>>完整场景
With flowing robes, grace, bald, striking.>>完整场景