
n. 警报,警告器;惊慌


ON SCREEN: LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, USA - 20h44 10 INT. BEDROOM - STEVE’S HOUSE - LAS VEGAS - NIGHT 10 Dark. A large digital alarm clock reads: 20h44 A sleeping body is dimly visible with covers over its head.>>完整场景
If they'd got me those emergency doors that sound an alarm when you open them up like the ones white schools have, i wouldn't have to chain them.>>完整场景
Never made first period for one year straight forget a diploma, it's education i hate i feel like droppin' my books and just strafin' it 'cause the way i'm feelin', i ain't makin' it i ain't makin' it school's the place i don't really want to be in the day i quit, that's it, i'm leavin' when people tell me about gettin' grades up my reply-"am i gettin' paid or what?" Bright in the morning, my alarm awakes me my mom won't, she's a witch, she hates me failin' all my classes, i don't give a damn success, i ain't makin' it stay to your right.>>完整场景
I set the alarm on your wristwatch... so we'd know what time to give you your pills.>>完整场景
163 INT. DIVISION HQ/VUKOVICH'S OFFICE Sarah is alert now with growing alarm. The sound of GUNFIRE is faint...but unmistakable. Her expression shows the dawning certainty of what is happening.>>完整场景
(alarm beeping) (bones cracking) (thudding) (blood splattering) (alarm beeping) Good to see you.>>完整场景
INT. PALACE - D'ARTAGNAN'S ROOM - NIGHT D'Artagnan is sitting on his cot thinking of all that has just happened when he hears the king's shouts of alarm.>>完整场景
No... False alarm.>>完整场景
'Cause once the alarm arrow's fired the gates will be shut within two minutes and they're six minutes away by foot.>>完整场景
If you touch me, Ill more than alarm you.>>完整场景
INT. SECURITY STATION, HIGH-RISE HOUSE – CONTINUOUS An alarm buzzes, the Security Guards are frozen, Neil has a gun on them, a finger to his lips... EXT. BALCONY, HIGH-RISE HOUSE – CONTINUOUS Sanjay tries to turn to see the Protagonist –>>完整场景
Suddenly an alarm sounds.>>完整场景
INT. LOEB'S STUDY - NIGHT Three armed security guards burst into the room and catch SELINA, red handed trying to pry open a locked cabinet. She's tripped an alarm.>>完整场景
218EXT -- PRISON -- DAY (1966) 218 Norton and Hadley stride across the grounds, ALARM BLARING.>>完整场景
An ALARM STARTS BLARING throughout the prison. He looks up.>>完整场景
Deactivate the smoke detection system, the fire alarm, and while you're at it, kill the horn.>>完整场景
A fire alarm.>>完整场景
Well you better get crackin', 'cause if I ain't get that money by 7 o'clock, you ain't got your fire, you ain't got your fire alarm.>>完整场景
Look, all you gotta do is sound off the fire alarm, in here, tomorrow night>>完整场景
I mean, it was like an alarm went off in my head, you know. I said, here's a guy that's got his act together. Here's somebody who's got it, all figured out. Here's somebody who has the answer. I'll follow you anywhere, Mr. Gump.>>完整场景
Getty shuffles on, until he finds his prized painting -- Albrecht D.rer's "Madonna and Child in a Window." He reaches and takes it from the wall - -- and the silent alarm goes off. The doors at either end of the hallway SLAM SHUT, and the power cuts out.>>完整场景
A silent alarm would go off. The dogs would get to you before youmade it to the fence. With a face as pretty as that... I wouldn't.>>完整场景
(ALARM WAILING) (PEOPLE CLAMORING) (KAIJU ROARS) We mourned our dead memorialized the attack and moved on.>>完整场景
[The scene opens with a ringing alarm and a flashing board. The screen pans as the emergency is spelled out. We hear an ANNOUNCER's voice as well]>>完整场景
Captain Price:

Move. As they move on, an alarm can be heard from the launch facility and helicopters are seen flying overhead.