
adj. 无止境的;环状的;连续的;漫无目的的


EXT. FARM ROAD - IOWA - DAY A black car drives along a dirt road, a cloud of dust rising behind. Passing through an endless expanse of ripening corn.>>完整场景
INT./EXT. CHINOOK – LATER The Protagonist watches the icebreaker recede... EXT. VAST BARREN PLAIN, DUSTED WITH SNOW – DAY Three CHINOOKS zoom low across the barren landscape, followed by another three CHINOOKS long-lining SHIPPING CONTAINERS... INT. CHINOOK – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist sits amongst a DOZEN SOLDIERS. They watch the endless northern plain unroll beneath them... EXT. TENET CAMP – CONTINUOUS The Protagonist gets off the Chinook, watching another Chinook gently set down a container. He follows the others to a tent.>>完整场景
INT. WIND TURBINE – LATER The Protagonist EATS, DRINKS and EXERCISES by CLIMBING the endless interior ladder of the turbine. The stash of food and water SHRINKS... The Protagonist does PULL-UPS at the very top of the ladder, FEET DANGLING over the VERTIGINOUS DROP... INT. WIND TURBINE – MORNING The Protagonist is woken by a repeated AIR HORN. He pulls himself off the cot, opens the door to find – EXT. WIND TURBINE – CONTINUOUS A large CATAMARAN nosed up to the windmill, ladder in place, MAINTENANCE CREW in HI-VIZ VESTS moving on and off the turbine. Other boats service other turbines. The Protagonist pulls on his VEST and CLIMBS down onto the catamaran.>>完整场景
A whirlwind kicks up, whipping everything into the air. The hole in the wall is like a giant vacuum cleaner -- papers, book, toiletries, bedding -- if it ain't nailed down, it gets sucked down the hole toward the light. Red fights it, but the suction drags him closer and closer... 271 RED'S POV 271 ...and CAMERA rockets into the hole, getting sucked down an endless tunnel at impossible speed, the ROAR of air mixing with his drawn-out SCREAM, closer and closer to the light and erupting out the other side into total silence and a beautiful white beach. The Pacific Ocean before us. Enormous.>>完整场景