
vt. 注视;观察;看守;警戒


Honestly, it's the honest ones you want to watch out for.>>完整场景
So you expect to leave me on some beach with nothing but a name and your word it's the one I need, and watch you sail away in my ship.>>完整场景
And she was always looking at watch.>>完整场景
Would you have that era come to an end on your watch?>>完整场景
You will watch this.>>完整场景
- I'll watch your back.>>完整场景
I say, let them fight each other, while we lay back, watch, have a drink... Place some wagers, eh ?>>完整场景
And I am not inclined to stand by and watch.>>完整场景
- I did. I stood watch.>>完整场景
Eight bells. Which of you unfortunate souls stood watch ?>>完整场景
If you didn't care to watch it hanging here dead, with a mouth full of flies... Speak now.>>完整场景
- At 7:
45, I got relieved from my watch, and went to have breakfast.>>完整场景
Across from Battleship Row at Hickam Airfield, Seaman Rodrigues has just ended his watch.>>完整场景
EXT. TOKYO - DAY The office of an anti-aircraft battery blows its whistle; his crew mount their guns and swerves them around. The officer whistle's again and checks his watch.>>完整场景
He starts pacing back the other way, as if the ship's longer in that direction. The other pilots watch him for a moment, then follow him, counting again.>>完整场景
Oh sh*t, oh sh*t... He can't even watch.>>完整场景
Anthony tries to grab him and drag him back to earth but he misses; Billy gets a few steps before the fire from a strafing Zero catches up to him; his friends watch in horror as Billy gets shorter as he runs; the Zero's machine gun fire is sawing his legs off from the feet up.>>完整场景
They watch it rush at them...then, a MASSIVE EXPLOSION! It throws up a fifty foot wall of water, hurling the sailors and everything else on the deck into the sea.>>完整场景
The Captain chokes back his frustration and shuts down the intercom -- but then he says to the Duty Officer, as they watch the shape disappear toward Pearl Harbor... CAPTAIN OF THE RALPH TALBOT If it's a blackfish, it has a motorboat up it's ass!>>完整场景
INT. CONTROL ROOM - DESTROYER SELFRIDGE - NIGHT The WATCH OFFICER listens to a report on his headset and turns to the CAPTAIN.>>完整场景
Rafe and Danny are exchanging punches in the middle of the room. Sailors sitting at the bar have swung around on their stools to watch the action. The other pilots are wincing with the punches their friends exchange, and bobbing and weaving as if in the fight themselves. A SAILOR tapes Billy.>>完整场景
INT. HOSPITAL - PEARL HARBOR - LATER Evelyn clips the ends of her carefully applied stitches; Dorie's eyes are rolled up as if he could watch from inside his skull.>>完整场景
THE PILOTS ON THE GROUND watch in awe as the P-40's get so close they can't possibly get out of each other's way.>>完整场景
And as fun as it is to watch..>>完整场景
We're gonna shoot some terrorists, watch out boys!>>完整场景