
adj. 理论的;假设的;理论上的;推理的


She's a theoretical linguist.
>> 成人世界 Adult World (2013) Movie Script
Augustus was in a card game with the Irishman and Lippy. The stakes were theoretical, since he had already won six months of their wages.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
The problem was that Dish could not believe in the swarm of bandits. Under the red afterglow the town was still as a church. Now and then there was the bleat of a goat or the call of a bullbat, but that was all. It was so peaceful that Dish soon convinced himself there was no need for two men to waste the whole evening in a dusty corral. The bandits were theoretical, but Lorena was real, and only two hundred yards away.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇